New handbook aims to shake up reporting on race in Australia

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Complaints , Home About News media releases New handbook aims to shake up reporting on race in Australia New handbook aims to shake up reporting on race in Australia , Race Discrimination , Journalists play a critical role in the way people are racialised. That’s why the Australian Human Rights Commission, in partnership with Media

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Equality regulator opens consultation on updated Code of Practice 

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has today launched a consultation on its updated Code of Practice for services, public functions and associations. The Code of Practice sets out the steps that should be taken to ensure people are not discriminated against. It has been updated to incorporate the EHRC’s technical guidance on age

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EHRC publishes updated workplace sexual harassment guidance ahead of change to law

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From 26 October 2024 employers must take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their workers, including by third parties Equality regulator publishes new guidance supporting employers to meet new legal obligations Employers must be proactive in assessing risk, identifying action and regularly review their processes. Following consultation, Britain’s equality watchdog, the Equality and Human

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Initiating Human Rights Assessment, Komnas HAM Goes to the Regions

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Manggarai-Sebagai upaya memastikan pemenuhan HAM di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, Komnas HAM bakal melakukan penilaian HAM bagi pemerintah daerah.  Dalam prosesnya, Komnas HAM tengah menyusun pedoman Penilaian HAM terhadap Pemerintah Daerah. Untuk memperoleh masukan atas konsep penilaian HAM terhadap pemerintah daerah, Komnas HAM menggelar Konsultasi Publik: Pedoman Penilaian HAM terhadap Pemerintah Daerah di Kantor Bappeda

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Initiating Human Rights Assessment, Komnas HAM Goes to the Regions

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Manggarai-Sebagai upaya memastikan pemenuhan HAM di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, Komnas HAM bakal melakukan penilaian HAM bagi pemerintah daerah.  Dalam prosesnya, Komnas HAM tengah menyusun pedoman Penilaian HAM terhadap Pemerintah Daerah. Untuk memperoleh masukan atas konsep penilaian HAM terhadap pemerintah daerah, Komnas HAM menggelar Konsultasi Publik: Pedoman Penilaian HAM terhadap Pemerintah Daerah di Kantor Bappeda

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