US Department of Labor recovers $47K in back wages, damages for employees of Utah Chick-Fil-A franchisee, fines employer $187K

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ST. GEORGE, UT – Federal investigators have assessed $187,467in civil penalties for employing 237 minors in violation of child labor provisions  and recovered nearly $47,000 in back wages and liquidated damages for 101 employees at two St. George Chick-Fil-A franchise restaurants that required workers to clock out for every break under 20 minutes without compensation, the

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Department of Labor announces findings of impact inspections at 14 US mines; identifies 246 violations of safety, health standards

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that its Mine Safety and Health Administration completed impact inspections at 14 mines in 10 states in August, issuing 246 violations.Begun after an explosion killed 29 miners in West Virginia at the Upper Big Branch Mine in 2010, monthly impact inspections are conducted at mines that

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MTE and ILO launch digital book “Guidelines on the general principles of labor inspection”

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O Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, em parceria com a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), lançaram nesta terça-feira (26) o livro digital "Diretrizes sobre os Princípios Gerais da Inspeção do Trabalho" em língua portuguesa, que reúne as diretrizes internacionais e busca orientar as práticas na área de inspeção do trabalho.  O ministro do Trabalho e

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Monthly report of Statistics of Long-term Care Benefit Expeditures (Cases assessed on June 2023)

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US Department of Labor assesses California agricultural employer $17K in penalties for H-2A violations, recovers $14K for workers

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Employer:      Heritage Farms LLC                        2309 E 5 US Highway 98Holtville, CA 92250 Investigation findings: U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators determined that Heritage Farms provided substandard housing facilities, transported workers in unsafe vehicles and failed to pay required wages in full, all violations of the H-2A temporary agricultural program. Investigators found the housing provided by

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