National Ethical Guidelines for Bio-Medical Research Involving Children (2017)

National Ethical Guidelines for <br>Biomedical Research <br>Involving Children <br> <br>Indian Council of Medical Research<br>2017Disclaimer:<br>Care has been taken to present the information accurately and inline with the latest government <br>guidelines. However,…

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National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants (2017)

INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br>2017NATIONAL ETHICAL GUIDELINES <br>FOR BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH RESEARCH <br>INVOLVING HUMAN PARTICIPANTSCompiled &amp; Edited by:<br>Dr. Roli Mathur<br>Head, ICMR Bioethics Unit<br>NCDIR, Bengaluru<br>Published by: <br>Director-General <br>Indian Council of Medical…

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Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Participants (2006)

ETHICAL GUIDELINESFOR<br>BIOMEDICAL RESEARCHON<br>HUMAN PARTICIPANTS<br>INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br>NEW DELHI<br>2006<br>Published by:<br>Director-General<br>Indian Council of Medical Research<br>New Delhi 110 029<br><br>October, 2006<br>All rights reserved<br>The use of content from this book is permitted for all…

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Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects (2000)

1Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research <br>on Human Subjects <br> <br>INDIAN COUNCIL OF ME DICAL RESEARCH NEW D ELHI <br>2000 <br> <br> <br>TABLE OF CONTENTS <br> <br> <br>FOREWORD ................................ ................................ ................................…

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