Guidelines on Recommendations for Medical Rehabilitation of Persons Injured After an Earthquake

<br> <br> <br>Recommendations for <br>Medical Rehabilitation <br>of Persons Injured <br>After An Earthquake <br> <br> <br> <br>Hospital Division <br>Directorate General of Health Services <br>Ministry of Health and Family Welfare <br>Nirman Bhawan,…

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Transfusion Medicine Technical Manual 2023

Ministry of Health<br>&amp; Family Welfare<br>Government of India<br>TRANSFUSION MEDICINE <br>TECHNICAL MANUAL<br>Third Edition 2023<br>Directorate General of Health ServicesNBTC and Blood Transfusion Services Division<br>Ministry of Health &amp; Family Welfare, Government of IndiaIM11012/06/2022-NBTC/BTS<br>3260197/2023/NBTC1005/1467Directorate General…

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Salient features of the National Guidelines for Gene Therapy Product Development and Clinical Trails

Salient features of the &ldquo;National Guidelines for Ge ne Therapy Product <br>Development and Clinical Trials&rdquo; <br> <br>Inherited genetic diseases or &ldquo;rare diseases&rdquo; (RD) refer to medical conditions that <br>affect a…

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CDSCO, DBT and ICMR Joint Guidelines for Evaluation of Nanopharmaceuticals in India

Guidelines for Evaluation <br>of Nanopharmaceuticals <br>in India<br>2019Department of Biotechnology<br>Ministry of Science &amp; Technology<br>Government of India<br>Central Drugs Standard Control Organization<br>Ministry of Health &amp; Family Welfare<br>Government of India<br>Indian Council for Medical Research<br>Ministry…

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