Federal court enforces US Department of Labor subpoena seeking documents to investigate Starbucks Corp.’s response to worker organizing campaigns

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SEATTLE – A federal court in Seattle has ruled that Starbucks Corp. must comply with a U.S. Department of Labor administrative subpoena that seeks documents needed in an investigation by the department’s Office of Labor-Management Standards into money spent by the company related to worker organizing campaigns. The court has given the company 14 days to provide

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Sanction to Obligated Subject of the Capital Markets sector

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Inicio Unidad de Información Financiera Sanción a Sujeto Obligado del sector Mercado de Capitales Sanción a Sujeto Obligado del sector Mercado de Capitales Ante incumplimientos a las obligaciones previstas en la Ley N° 25.246, la Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF) declaró la responsabilidad de Cucchiara y Cia. S.A. (Agente de Liquidación y Compensación) y sus

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CMA launches market investigation into cloud services

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iStock Ofcom has today referred the public cloud infrastructure services market to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) for an independent market investigation to further examine the market and consider whether there are competition concerns and, if so, what interventions can improve the supply of these important services for UK customers.  Cloud services allow remote

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CGU completes audit of agreements intended for the construction of water infrastructure

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A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) concluiu auditoria realizada na Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Hídrica do Ministério da Integração e Desenvolvimento Regional (MIDR) sobre convênios firmados para a construção de infraestruturas hídricas. Dentre as conclusões, estão a baixa execução em relação ao total pactuado e aprovação de propostas que não estão alinhadas com as diretrizes e

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