Regulation of fixed markets Unbundling tariff: ARCEP questions the sector on a proposal from Orange to commit to maintaining, for 2026-2028, the tariffs for access to the local copper loop subject to the non-excessive tariff obligation 

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L'Arcep lance aujourd'hui une consultation publique sur une proposition d’engagements d’Orange pour les années 2026 à 2028 concernant les tarifs des accès au dégroupage de la boucle locale de cuivre…

Continue ReadingRegulation of fixed markets Unbundling tariff: ARCEP questions the sector on a proposal from Orange to commit to maintaining, for 2026-2028, the tariffs for access to the local copper loop subject to the non-excessive tariff obligation 

Fixed networks: The Authority has settled a dispute between SFR and Orange relating to the provision of energy supply for the hosting of copper or fiber optic equipment of third-party operators within Orange premises 

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En juin 2024, la formation de règlement des différends, de poursuite et d’instruction de l’Arcep (ci-après « formation RDPI »), a été saisie par la société SFR d’une demande de…

Continue ReadingFixed networks: The Authority has settled a dispute between SFR and Orange relating to the provision of energy supply for the hosting of copper or fiber optic equipment of third-party operators within Orange premises 

Electronic communications market observatory –  ARCEP publishes monitoring of the electronic communications market observatory for the 3rd quarter of 2024

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La croissance du revenu des opérateurs se poursuit mais à un rythme modéré : + 1,5 % en un an, après une période de trois ans durant laquelle la croissance…

Continue ReadingElectronic communications market observatory –  ARCEP publishes monitoring of the electronic communications market observatory for the 3rd quarter of 2024