The Autorité de la concurrence has opened an investigation ex officio into potential practices in the sector of pay TV and the acquisition and broadcast of cinematographic works

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By decision 24-SO-10 of 25 September 2024, the Autorité de la concurrence opened an investigation ex officio into potential practices in the sector of pay TV and the acquisition and broadcast of cinematographic works. Press release of 3 October 2024 The Autorité de la concurrence has opened an investigation ex officio into potential practices in

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Potentially infectious medical waste in the French overseas territories: the General Rapporteur announces that an objection concerning an anticompetitive agreement has been notified

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The General Rapporteur of the Autorité de la concurrence indicates that an objection has been notified concerning an anticompetitive agreement in one of the French overseas territories, which is likely to have had effects on the market for the treatment of potentially infectious medical waste and the related market for the collection and transport of

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As the CNIL publishes the final version of its recommendations on mobile applications, the Autorité publishes the opinion issued to the CNIL

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As the French data protection authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés – CNIL) publishes the final version of its recommendations on mobile applications (hereafter “mobile apps”), the Autorité publishes the opinion issued to the CNIL in December 2023 as part of the preparation of its recommendations. For the first time, the CNIL asked

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Lawyers at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État) and the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) – The Autorité de la concurrence launches a public consultation

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The Autorité is today launching the procedure provided for in Article L. 462-4-2 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) with a view to preparing a new opinion on the freedom of establishment of lawyers at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État) and the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) and revising its

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Acquisition of Kindred (Unibet) by La Française des Jeux cleared subject to conditions

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On 14 May 2024, La Française des Jeux notified the Autorité de la concurrence of its plan to acquire sole control of Kindred Group. After examining the transaction, the Autorité has cleared the acquisition subject to conditions. To address the risks of harm to competition identified, FDJ has entered into behavioural remedies. Press release of

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