Sustainability: the Autorité publishes informal guidance on the creation of a system for the collective financing of the additional costs and risks associated with the agro-ecological transition

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The Autorité de la concurrence has today published informal guidance in the area of sustainability, provided under the notice adopted on 27 May 2024.An association, presenting itself as a trusted…

Continue ReadingSustainability: the Autorité publishes informal guidance on the creation of a system for the collective financing of the additional costs and risks associated with the agro-ecological transition

At the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the Autorité de la concurrence has published an opinion on the local and regional public authority property insurance sector

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On the basis of Article L. 462-1 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee asked the Autorité de la concurrence for an…

Continue ReadingAt the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the Autorité de la concurrence has published an opinion on the local and regional public authority property insurance sector

The Autorité is reforming, on the basis of existing legislation, its procedure for processing business secrets during investigations

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The aim of the reform is to reduce the processing time of business secrets through:- rigorous application by the parties of the concept of business secrets;- a reduction in multiple…

Continue ReadingThe Autorité is reforming, on the basis of existing legislation, its procedure for processing business secrets during investigations