The Autorité starts inquiries ex officio to assess the reforms of the conditions of establishment and rates for the regulated legal professions

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As we approach the 10th anniversary of the adoption of French law 2015-990 of 6 August 2015 for Growth, Activity and Equal Economic Opportunities (hereinafter the “Law for Growth and…

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Electrical equipment: the Autorité imposes fines of €470 million on the manufacturers Schneider Electric and Legrand and the distributors Rexel and Sonepar

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Electrical equipment: the Autorité imposes fines of €470 million on the manufacturers Schneider Electric and Legrand and the distributors Rexel and Sonepar for vertical resale price fixing The Autorité de…

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The Autorité de la concurrence issues its opinion to ARCEP on its draft decision to deregulate the market for wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for the mass market (“market 3b”)

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The French electronic communications, postal and print media distribution regulator (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse – ARCEP) asked the Autorité…

Continue ReadingThe Autorité de la concurrence issues its opinion to ARCEP on its draft decision to deregulate the market for wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for the mass market (“market 3b”)