The how, where and what of Trade Mark registration for SMMEs in South Africa part 2:- the Trade Mark application process

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Introduction In this article, we delve into the practical aspects of securing your trade mark rights. Building on the insights shared in Part 1, where we debunked common misconceptions, this article provides a step-by-step breakdown of the trade mark application process tailored for small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). Whether you’re a startup or an

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CIPC implements a beneficial ownership interface

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On the 11th December 2023, CIPC intends to implement an interface that requires clients to file Beneficial Ownership (BO) information before filing their Annual Returns. As from Monday, 11 December 2023, the Annual Return system for companies and close corporations will validate whether the Beneficial Ownership filing is up to date, and if not, provide

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Turnover validation and beneficial ownership information on annual return filings

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The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) will as from 11 December 2023, incorporate the following additions to Annual Return filings for companies and close corporations:-1. Beneficial Ownership filing, and2. Turnover Validation Beneficial Ownership Information:Companies and close corporations are required to file Beneficial Ownership Information within 10 business days of its registration, and thereafter as

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