Centre 18
Today, the UK and allies exposed the Russian Intelligence Services as being behind a number of attempts to interfere in UK politics and democratic processes. Centre 18, a unit within Russia’s FSB,…
Today, the UK and allies exposed the Russian Intelligence Services as being behind a number of attempts to interfere in UK politics and democratic processes. Centre 18, a unit within Russia’s FSB,…
Privacy Commissioner initiates investigations into breach impacting federal government personnel who used relocation services The Privacy Commissioner of Canada has decided to launch investigations into a cyberattack that has resulted…
3 November 2023 The Australian Information Commissioner has commenced civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against Australian Clinical Labs Limited (ACL) resulting from an investigation of its privacy practices.…
The FCA has fined Equifax Ltd (Equifax) £11,164,400 for failing to manage and monitor the security of UK consumer data it had outsourced to its parent company based in the…
近日,针对腾讯QQ平台“小世界”版块存在大量色情等违法信息,危害未成年人身心健康问题,国家网信办指导广东省网信办,依法约谈腾讯公司相关负责人,依据《未成年人保护法》第一百二十七条,实施行政处罚,责令暂停“小世界”版块信息更新30日,没收违法所得并处100万元罚款。 腾讯QQ平台“小世界”版块存在大量色情引流信息,部分用户在评论区诱导未成年人不良交友、实施性引诱,招募未成年人进行游戏陪玩,严重侵害未成年人合法权益,危害未成年人身心健康,违反《未成年人保护法》第八十条。 网信部门将持续聚焦严重侵害未成年人合法权益、危害未成年人身心健康的违法违规问题,加大对屡错屡犯问题网站平台的执法力度和公开曝光频度,努力为未成年人营造健康安全的网络环境。