Regulation of fixed markets Unbundling tariff: ARCEP questions the sector on a proposal from Orange to commit to maintaining, for 2026-2028, the tariffs for access to the local copper loop subject to the non-excessive tariff obligation 

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L'Arcep lance aujourd'hui une consultation publique sur une proposition d’engagements d’Orange pour les années 2026 à 2028 concernant les tarifs des accès au dégroupage de la boucle locale de cuivre…

Continue ReadingRegulation of fixed markets Unbundling tariff: ARCEP questions the sector on a proposal from Orange to commit to maintaining, for 2026-2028, the tariffs for access to the local copper loop subject to the non-excessive tariff obligation 

Consultation on the removal of energy labelling and product fiche information rules from the Advertising Codes

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The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) are consulting on the removal of CAP and BCAP rules, and accompanying Advertising Guidance, relating to…

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Federal Network Agency tests procedures and measures for violations of the Digital Services Act

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Bundesnetzagentur tes­tet Ab­läu­fe und Maß­nah­men bei Ver­stö­ßen ge­gen den Di­gi­tal Ser­vices Act Ausgabejahr 2025Erscheinungsdatum 31.01.2025Die Bundesnetzagentur als Digital Services Coordinator (DSC) hat heute gemeinsam mit der EU-Kommission eine Simulationsübung („Stresstest“)…

Continue ReadingFederal Network Agency tests procedures and measures for violations of the Digital Services Act