David Gillers to Step Down as Chief of Staff
Release Number 9047-25David Gillers to Step Down as Chief of Staff February 06, 2025WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced that David Gillers will step down as…
Release Number 9047-25David Gillers to Step Down as Chief of Staff February 06, 2025WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced that David Gillers will step down as…
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator and supervisor, welcomed 300 participants in person (and around 1000 more connected online) to its key conference in…
- 1 -보 도 자 료보도2025.2.6.(목) 09:30배포2025.2.5.(수)담당부서금융감독원자본시장감독국 자본시장총괄팀책임자국 장임권순(02-3145-7580)담당자팀 장최지혜(02-3145-7570)금융투자협회자본시장 밸류업 TF책임자전 무이창화(02-2003-9016)담당자부 장허 욱(02-2003-9130)「한국 증시 활성화를 위한 열린 토론」 개최Ⅰ 열린 토론 개요□’25.2.6.(목)금융감독원(원장:이복현),금융투자협회(협회장:서유석)공동으로학계‧연구기관‧금융업계등전문가및개인‧기관투자자와함께「열린토론」개최◦금번토론은그간의자본시장선진화노력과성과를평가하고,한국증시의경쟁력을강화하기위한다양한방안을논의「한국 증시 활성화를 위한 열린 토론」 개요☑일…
- 1 -Ⅰ간담회 개요□’25.2.6일(목)금융감독원은가상자산사업자CEO및DAXA등과현안간담회를개최하여,◦최근발생한가상자산사업자의전산장애원인및관련리스크요인등을점검하고,대응방향을논의하였음가상자산사업자 CEO 간담회 개요▣ 일시/장소 : ’25.2.6.(목) 14:00~15:00, 금융감독원 내 회의실▣ 주요 참석자 - (금융감독원)이종오 디지털·IT 부원장보, 가상자산감독국장, 가상자산조사국장 - (가상자산사업자) 5개 사업자* CEO, CTO 및 DAXA(부회장)…
coincapitals.net and easyinvestingpro.com: BaFin warns against websitesThe German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns against the websites coincapitals.net and easyinvestingpro.com. According to its findings, the operators offer financial and investment…