ED, Ahmedabad has conducted search operations on 10.12.2024 and 19.12.2024, under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 at 8 locations in Mumbai, Nagpur, Gandhinagar and Vadodara as part of the ongoing probe in the case of Bhavesh Ashokbhai Patel and others (Dingucha case) for hatching a well-planned conspiracy, to send the victims/persons to USA through Canada via illegal channel thereby committing the offence of human trafficking

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PRESS RELEASE 24.12.2024 Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Ahmedabad Zonal Office has conducted search operations on 10.12.2024 and 19.12.2024, under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 at…

Continue ReadingED, Ahmedabad has conducted search operations on 10.12.2024 and 19.12.2024, under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 at 8 locations in Mumbai, Nagpur, Gandhinagar and Vadodara as part of the ongoing probe in the case of Bhavesh Ashokbhai Patel and others (Dingucha case) for hatching a well-planned conspiracy, to send the victims/persons to USA through Canada via illegal channel thereby committing the offence of human trafficking

The Saudi Central Bank licenses “Majd Saudi Payments Company” to practice payment services activity

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يُعلن البنك المركزي السعودي "ساما" الترخيص لشركة "مجد السعودية للمدفوعات" لمزاولة نشاط خدمات المدفوعات عبر المحفظة الإلكترونية، ليصبح إجمالي عدد الشركات المرخصة حاليًا لمزاولة نشاط خدمات المدفوعات في المملكة 26…

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ED, Hyderabad has provisionally attached immovable properties in the form of land parcels and residential premises worth Rs. 48.71 Crore under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 in a bank fraud case being investigated against M/s Transstroy India Ltd. (TIL) and others

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PRESS RELEASE 24.12.2024 Directorate of Enforcement (ED) , Hyderabad Zonal Office has provisionally attached immovable properties in the form of land parcels and residential premises worth Rs. 48.71 Crore under…

Continue ReadingED, Hyderabad has provisionally attached immovable properties in the form of land parcels and residential premises worth Rs. 48.71 Crore under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 in a bank fraud case being investigated against M/s Transstroy India Ltd. (TIL) and others

ED, Kozhikode has provisionally attached movable and immovable properties worth Rs.20.13 Crore (approx.) under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 on 23.12.2024 in connection with an ongoing investigation in a money laundering case of fraud occurred in Kannur Urban Nidhi (KUN)

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Press Release 24/12/2024 Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Kozhikode Sub-Zonal Office has provisionally attached movable and immovable properties worth Rs. 20.13 Crore (approx.) under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering…

Continue ReadingED, Kozhikode has provisionally attached movable and immovable properties worth Rs.20.13 Crore (approx.) under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 on 23.12.2024 in connection with an ongoing investigation in a money laundering case of fraud occurred in Kannur Urban Nidhi (KUN)

Anhui: Strengthening the punishment of bribery

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中央纪委国家监委网站 吕佳蓉  近日,安徽省宣城市泾县纪委监委在严肃查处该县砂石领域腐败系列案件后,向自然资源和规划、交通、水利等行业主管单位通报了涉案行贿人情况,建议相关部门根据相关法律法规采取行政处罚、撤销荣誉等措施对行贿人予以联合惩戒。  二十届中央纪委三次全会明确,严惩行贿行为,坚决查处那些老是拉干部下水、危害一方的行贿人,完善对重点行贿人的联合惩戒机制。安徽省纪检监察机关深刻把握行贿问题的政治危害,一方面立足职责定位扎实推进受贿行贿一起查,另一方面加强组织协调,督促职能部门各司其职、各负其责,探索建立对重点行贿人的联合惩戒机制。  坚持严格执纪执法与精准运用政策策略有机统一,安徽省纪检监察机关严肃查处多次行贿、巨额行贿、向多人行贿等重点问题,严查利益链条,依法加大对行贿所获不正当利益的追缴和纠正力度,切实提高行贿成本。同时,坚持实事求是,综合考虑行贿金额和次数、行贿人的主观恶性、造成的危害后果、认错悔过态度等因素,做到该严则严、当宽则宽、宽严相济。  “审慎稳妥处理好惩治行贿与保障经济发展、企业经营、民生就业、社会稳定的关系,努力实现政治效果、纪法效果、社会效果有机统一。”安徽省纪委监委案件监督管理室有关负责同志说。  在持续加大惩戒力度的同时,该省纪检监察机关推动建立对重点行贿人的联合惩戒机制,形成惩戒合力。安徽省委反腐败协调小组研究制定《完善对行贿人联合惩戒机制的工作指引》,明确联合惩戒行贿人的主要范围、信息通报、工作程序、惩戒措施等。纪检监察机关根据行贿人的主体身份和行贿所涉领域等,及时向相关单位通报,相关单位依规依纪依法可对行贿人采取组织处理、行政处罚等11个方面168项惩戒措施,形成“一次违法,多方受限”惩戒格局。  “有效铲除‘围猎’这个政治生态污染源,除了做好受贿行贿一起查的文章外,更要做好‘标本兼治’文章。”安徽省纪委监委案件监督管理室有关负责同志表示,该省纪检监察机关坚持边办案、边剖析、边整改,围绕行贿涉及的重点领域检视问题、以案促改,坚决打击各种政治骗子和政治掮客,持之以恒净化政治生态,增强惩治行贿的系统性。  例如,针对近年来监督检查审查调查中发现的国资国企运行管理、工程建设项目实施、为企服务优化环境、为民办事规范用权领域,以及保洁“净化”、园林“绿化”、城管“美化”、智慧管理“信息化”方面行贿多发问题,合肥市纪委监委开展专项整治,既查处党员和公职人员以权谋私等贪腐问题,也加大对行贿人的惩治力度,斩断“围猎”与甘于被“围猎”的利益链条。  “下一步,将深入贯彻落实党的二十届三中全会部署,强化对行贿、介绍行贿、洗钱等腐败关联犯罪的全链条惩治,不断铲除腐败滋生的土壤和条件,持续发力、纵深推进,坚决打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战持久战。”安徽省纪委监委有关负责同志表示。

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