The Comptroller Auditor-General s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971

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1 THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR -GENERAL&rsquo;S (DUTIES, POWERS AND <br>CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ACT, 1971 <br>_________ <br>ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS <br>__________ <br>CHAPTER I <br>PRELIMINARY <br>SECTIONS <br>1. Short title. <br>2. Definitions. <br>CHAPTER II…

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Ombudsman Act 1976

<br>Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra <br> <br>Ombudsman Act 1976 <br>No. 181, 1976 <br>Compilation No. 58 <br>Compilation date: 21 September 2023 <br>Includes amendments up to: Act No. 73,…

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