Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 1984
98 STAT. 1264 PUBLIC LAW 98-376—AUG. 10, 1984 Public Law 98-376 98th Congress An Act Aug. 10, 1984 To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to increase the sanctions…
98 STAT. 1264 PUBLIC LAW 98-376—AUG. 10, 1984 Public Law 98-376 98th Congress An Act Aug. 10, 1984 To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to increase the sanctions…
PUBLIC LAW 101-123—OCT. 23, 1989 103 STAT. 759 Public Law 101-128 101st Congress An Act To amend title 18 of the United States Code to provide increased penalties for certain…
124 STAT. 4104 PUBLIC LAW 111–376—JAN. 4, 2011 Public Law 111–376 111th Congress An Act To require U.S. Customs and Border Protection to administer polygraph examina-tions to all applicants for…
131 STAT. 1152 PUBLIC LAW 115–59—SEPT. 15, 2017 Public Law 115–59 115th Congress An Act To restrict the inclusion of social security account numbers on Federal documents sent by mail,…
1 <br> THE CENTRA L VIGILANCE COMMISSION ACT, 2003 <br>_____________ <br>ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS <br>_____________ <br>CHAPTER I <br>PRELIM INARY <br>SECTIONS <br>1. Short title. <br>2. Definitions. <br> <br>CHAPTER II <br>THE CENTRAL VIGILANCE…