Builders FirstSource Sued by EEOC for Discrimination

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Federal Suit Charges Manager Wrongly Assumed Worker Was Too Old and Disabled SEATTLE – A building supply company doing business as Builders FirstSource north of the Seattle area violated federal law when it terminated a qualified worker’s assignment because of his age and the assumption that he had a physical impairment, the U.S. Equal Employment

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Settling disputes involving domestic workers and those in similar situations through the labor courts of the Ministry of Justice, starting from October 3, 2024, and continuing the amicable settlement service at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development

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تُعلن وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية أنّه ابتداءً من 3 أكتوبر 2024م سيكون على الراغبين في رفع دعاوى تتعلّق بخلافات العمالة المنزلية التقدّم أولًا من خلال موقعها الإلكتروني عبر خدمة "رفع دعوى عمالة منزلية"، إذ ستقوم الوزارة بمهامها في الإصلاح والتسوية الودّية. وفي حال تعذّر الوصول إلى اتفاقٍ ودّي بين أطراف النّزاع، ستتمّ الإحالة إلى

Continue ReadingSettling disputes involving domestic workers and those in similar situations through the labor courts of the Ministry of Justice, starting from October 3, 2024, and continuing the amicable settlement service at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development

Department of Labor orders railroad to reinstate employee, pay $200K in back wages, damages after retaliation for safety complaints

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ENDERLIN, ND –  A federal whistleblower investigation has found a North Dakota railroad company illegally retaliated against and terminated a claims representative who reported an injury, discussed safety concerns with their supervisor and filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor.  The department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated a complaint filed by an Enderlin-based

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AB Specialty Silicones must pay $1.3M federal penalty, implement comprehensive safety programs after 2019 Waukegan plant explosion

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WAUKEGAN, IL – Chemical products manufacturer AB Specialty Silicones LLC will pay $1.3 million in penalties after an explosion and fire at its Waukegan plant in May 2019 claimed the lives of four workers.  The U.S. Department of Labor’s  Occupational Safety and Health Administration reached a settlement agreement with the company after an investigation revealed AB

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The Council of Ministers approves the draft of the Flows Decree

Il Consiglio dei Ministri di oggi ha approvato lo schema di decreto legge recante "Disposizioni urgenti in materia di ingresso in Italia di lavoratori stranieri, di tutela e assistenza alle vittime di caporalato, di gestione dei flussi migratori e di protezione internazionale, nonché dei relativi procedimenti giurisdizionali". Al termine il Vicepresidente e Ministro Tajani (Affari

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