ESMA Work Programme 2024: focus on digital change and the green transition

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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial market regulator and supervisor, today publishes its work programme for 2024. In an economic context marked by high inflation, heightened geopolitical tensions and rapid technological changes, ESMA will ensure close market and risk monitoring and support the effective implementation of the European regulatory framework related

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FCA takes action against Darren Reynolds and Andrew Deeney of Active Wealth for dishonest pension transfer advice

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Mr Reynolds has referred his Decision Notice to the Upper Tribunal where he will present his case. Any findings in his Decision Notice are therefore provisional and reflect the FCA’s view as to what occurred and how it considers his behaviour should be characterised. The FCA has decided to fine Mr Reynolds of Active Wealth

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The Australian Debit Card Market: Default Settings and Tokenisation – Conclusions Paper

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The Bank has released a Conclusions Paper setting out the conclusions of its recent public consultation on options for further enhancing the competitiveness, efficiency and safety of Australia’s debit card market. As noted in the Payments System Board’s post-meeting media release in August, the key conclusions are: The Board decided that it will not continue

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ESAs publish Report on the landscape of ICT third-party providers in the EU

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The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) have today published an indicative overview of information and communication technology (ICT) third-party providers (TTP) as part of their preparations for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The analysis aims to map the provision of ICT services by TPPs to financial entities in

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Speech by Alessandra Perrazzelli at the “Peer-to-Peer Financial Systems Workshop”

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Alessandra Perrazzelli, Vice Direttrice Generale della Banca d'Italia, è intervenuta al "Peer-to-Peer Financial Systems Workshop", organizzato a Roma dalla Banca d'Italia e dall'University College London, in partnership con la DLT Science Foundation.

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