Argentina maintains a liquid and solvent financial system

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El sistema financiero argentino presenta una s�lida situaci�n de solvencia, capitalizaci�n, liquidez y previsionamiento. La pol�tica monetaria desarrollada por el Banco Central procura mantener el poder adquisitivo de los ahorros a trav�s de la remuneraci�n de los plazos fijos, cuya tasa se define mensualmente, o con los plazos fijos actualizados por la inflaci�n m�s una

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Monthly Monetary Report, September 2023

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Este informe analiza la evoluci�n de la base monetaria, agregados monetarios amplios y tasas de inter�s pasivas, pr�stamos al sector privado y tasas de inter�s activas, liquidez bancaria, reservas internacionales y mercado de divisas, indicadores monetarios y financieros., Descargar Informe, Acceder a todas las ediciones,Viernes 6 de octubre de 2023 ,Por consultas, escribir a

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ESMA provides analysis on issuers’ potential benefits from an ESG pricing effect

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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets and securities regulator, today publishes an article on the European sustainable debt market, analysing the existence of an ESG pricing effect (‘the Greenium’) across different types of sustainable-labelled debt instruments.   In the article, ESMA notes that it cannot confirm a systematic pricing benefit

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Alessandra Perrazzelli presents the report “Women, work and economic growth” at the Festival of Public Ethics

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La Vice Direttrice Generale della Banca d'Italia Alessandra Perrazzelli presenta al Festival dell'Etica Pubblica, presso l'Auditorium Parco della Musica a Roma, il rapporto "Le donne, il lavoro e la crescita economica".

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Publication of the Proceedings – The Eighth Joint BIS, World Bank, Bank of Canada, Banca d’Italia Public Investors Conference

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La Banca dei regolamenti internazionali (BIS), la Banca Mondiale, la Bank of Canada e la Banca d'Italia hanno il piacere di annunciare che è disponibile la pubblicazione Proceedings of the Eighth Public Investors Conference. La conferenza si è svolta nei giorni 27-28 ottobre 2022, presso la Bank of Canada a Ottawa. La pubblicazione contiene contributi

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