Flows, MLPS protocol updated to simplify entry procedures

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Il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali ha pubblicato oggi il testo del protocollo per la semplificazione delle procedure d’ingresso in Italia dei cittadini non comunitari per motivi di lavoro subordinato, ai sensi dell’art. 24 bis del D.Lgs. 286/1998 (Testo Unico dell’Immigrazione).   Possono aderire al protocollo le organizzazioni datoriali più rappresentative sul piano

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Credit Driving License Starts, Numbers Until 12 Today

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Come previsto è partita oggi la prima fase di applicazione della patente a crediti, strumento di qualificazione delle imprese e dei lavoratori autonomi operanti nei cantieri temporanei o mobili. La ricezione delle domande di rilascio della patente è cominciata a mezzanotte sulla piattaforma gestita dall’Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro, secondo le indicazioni della circolare INL 23

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Acting Minister of Labor and Employment participates remotely in the “Industry Immersion” in Belo Horizonte this Wednesday (2)

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O ministro do Trabalho e Emprego em exercício, Francisco Macena, estará em Belo Horizonte (MG), nesta quarta-feira (2), para participar do evento Imersão Indústria – Conexões para Inspirar, Inovação para Transformar, promovido pela Federação das Indústrias de Minas Gerais (FIEMG). O ministro realizará uma palestra às 14h sobre "Nova Indústria Brasil e os Impactos nas

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EEOC Sues Two New York Area Employers for Sexual Harassment

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Federal Lawsuits Allege Restaurant and Car Dealership Allowed Hostile Work Environment to Fester NEW YORK – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed lawsuits today against two New York employers charging the companies with allowing egregious sexual harassment in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. “Whether a restaurant, car

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Strategic Systems to Pay $15,000 in EEOC Sex Discrimination Charge

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Settles Federal Investigation Technology Services Provider Failed to Hire Women CLEVELAND — Strategic Systems Inc., a technology services provider based in Dublin, Ohio, will pay $15,000 to settle a sex discrimination charge, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today. The settlement resolves allegations that Strategic Systems denied women employment opportunities based on their

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