‘Mainstreaming’ access to information a must for IAID 2024

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Published:   26 September 2024 Information commissioners and ombudsmen highlight the importance of mainstreaming access to information and participation. To mark International Access to Information Day (IAID, also known as IDUAI), which is celebrated annually on 28 September, we join together in highlighting that access to government information should be the norm. Ensuring transparency, inclusiveness and

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Privacy Guarantor’s lighthouse on agreements between publishers and OpenAI

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g-docweb-display Portlet Faro del Garante privacy su accordi tra editori e OpenAI Faro del Garante privacy su accordi tra editori e OpenAI Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali segue con attenzione gli accordi che - secondo notizie di stampa - RCS MediaGroup e GEDI Gruppo Editoriale avrebbero siglato con OpenAI, azienda che realizza

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Consumer rights: Council adopts position on measures to facilitate dispute resolution

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The Council has today adopted its negotiating mandate on a package of measures to adapt the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) framework to the challenges of the digital world. Many consumers facing a disagreement with a company refuse to litigate due to the small sums involved, lengthy procedure times or a lack of confidence in the

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ANPD redesigns the Inspection page on the portal

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) lançou hoje atualização da página de seu site destinada à Fiscalização. O objetivo é facilitar o acesso aos dados sobre as atividades de monitoramento, fiscalização e processos administrativos sancionadores, além de incidentes de segurança relacionados à proteção de dados.   A nova página também explica de forma

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PPC publishes regarding the proper handling of personal data in light of cases of leaks of personal data, including sensitive personal information, at hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies (Caution)

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病院・診療所及び薬局における要配慮個人情報を含む個人データの漏えい等事案を踏まえた個人データの適正な取扱いについて(注意喚起) 個人情報保護委員会は、病院・診療所及び薬局における要配慮個人情報を含む個人データの漏えい等事案を踏まえた個人データの適正な取扱いについて、注意喚起を行うこととしましたので、お知らせいたします。 病院・診療所及び薬局における要配慮個人情報を含む個人データの漏えい等事案を踏まえた個人データの適正な取扱いについて(注意喚起) (PDF : 326KB)

Continue ReadingPPC publishes regarding the proper handling of personal data in light of cases of leaks of personal data, including sensitive personal information, at hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies (Caution)