Authority will participate in panels at the 23rd edition of Futurecom

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) reunirá seus especialistas em proteção de dados pessoais para participação em 10 painéis no maior evento de tecnologia da América Latina, a Futurecom 2023, que acontecerá nos dias 03, 04 e 05 de outubro de 2023, na São Paulo Expo, na capital paulista.  O tema central do

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OAIC welcomes reforms critical to Australia’s privacy future

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28 September 2023The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) today welcomed the Australian Government’s response to the Attorney-General’s Department’s (AGD) review of the Privacy Act 1988 as a crucial step in ensuring Australia’s privacy framework is strengthened for the future.“This is a vital set of proposals that will deliver significant gains for the Australian

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Information Commissioners and Ombudsmen recognise importance of the online space in accessing information

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28 September 2023To mark International Access to Information Day (IAID, also known as IAI Day), celebrated annually on 28 September, we join in our commitment to promote and uphold the fundamental right of the community to access government information.IAID recognises the community’s right to access government-held information and its role in helping everyone participate in

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Information Commissioner calls on public authorities to stop using spreadsheets in FOI responses

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“The recent personal data breaches are a reminder that data protection is, first and foremost, about people. We have seen both the immediate and ongoing impact that the release of such sensitive personal information has had on the individuals and families involved, and that is why I have taken this action. “It is imperative that

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