Assessment of ASX Clearing and Settlement Facilities – September 2024

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The Reserve Bank of Australia today released the 2024 Assessment of the ASX Clearing and Settlement (CS) Facilities. This assesses the performance of the ASX CS Facilities against the Bank’s Financial Stability Standards (FSS). The ASX CS facilities were rated as having ‘observed’ or ‘broadly observed’ many of the individual FSS. The Bank assessed that

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Treasury Sanctions Networks Enabling Illicit Trade that Benefits IRGC-QF and Hizballah

WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned more than a dozen entities and vessels for their involvement in the shipment of Iranian crude oil and liquid petroleum gas to Syria and East Asia on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and Hizballah. Among the

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Proposed new rules to better protect customers of payments firms

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The FCA is stepping in to better protect customers when payments and e-money firms go out of business. Use of payments firms has grown in recent years, but the FCA says it continues to see poor safeguarding practices from firms. Funds held by payments and e-money firms are not directly protected by the Financial Services

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G7 Cyber ​​Expert Group publishes recommendations to counter risks to the financial sector connected with quantum computing

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Il G7 Cyber Expert Group (CEG) ha pubblicato una dichiarazione per evidenziare i potenziali rischi per la cybersicurezza associati agli sviluppi dell'informatica quantistica. I computer quantistici sono in grado di risolvere in tempi ragionevoli problemi di calcolo attualmente ritenuti impossibili per i computer tradizionali. Se da un lato il calcolo quantistico può offrire vantaggi significativi

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European Blockchain Sandbox Announces Authorities Involved in Second Cohort

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L’European Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox for Distributed Ledger Technologies ha individuato le autorità regolatrici nazionali, tra cui la Banca d’Italia, e quelle comunitarie più adatte a essere coinvolte nei dialoghi riservati sui 20 casi d'uso innovativi selezionati all’inizio della scorsa estate per la seconda coorte. Questi casi d'uso spaziano tra diversi settori industriali e tematiche regolatorie.

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