NPF stress testing scenarios have been clarified

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Банк России обновил сценарии обязательного стресс-тестирования негосударственных пенсионных фондов (НПФ). Сценарии предполагают более плавное восстановление стоимости ОФЗ после прохождения периода снижения по сравнению с предыдущим сценарием. Дополнительно актуализированы вероятности дефолтов активов на основании данных рейтинговых агентств. Также документ дополнен новым сценарным показателем — стоимостью унции золота — в связи с ростом интереса к инструментам, привязанным к стоимости драгоценного металла. Фото на превью: ako photography / Shutterstock /

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FCA and PRA appoint new Chair of the FSCS

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The FCA and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) have appointed Elizabeth Passey as Chair of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme’s (FSCS) board. She will take up the role on 1 October 2024. Over a 30-year career, Elizabeth held senior positions with J Stern & Company, Investec Asset Management and Morgan Stanley. She recently completed 2

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APRA releases Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics for August 2024

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released its Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics (MADIS) publication for August 2024. Copies of the August 2024 monthly publication are available on the APRA website at: Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics publication.

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ESMA announces next steps for the selection of Consolidated Tape Providers

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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, is publishing additional details on the selection of Consolidated Tapes Providers (CTPs) for bonds and for shares and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). ESMA will launch the selection procedure for the CTP for bonds on Friday 3 January 2025. This is the first

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FSC discussed the roles and responsibilities of financial holding companies with the chairmen of financial holding companies

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금융지주회장들과 함께 금융지주회사의 역할과 책임 에 대해 논의하였습니다. - 금융위원장 금융권 릴레이 간담회: 금융지주회사 - 󰋻 대출, 지분투자 등 금융지주 차원의 포트폴리오 구성 전략을 마련할 필요가 있다고 강조하고 가계부채 증가율이 GDP 증가율 범위내에서 관리될 수 있도록 DSR 중심의 관리 기조하에 가계부채 증가추이나 양상에 따라 준비되어 있는 수단을 적기에 과감하게 시행할 것이라고 강조   - 금년

Continue ReadingFSC discussed the roles and responsibilities of financial holding companies with the chairmen of financial holding companies