Output Gap and Potential Growth Rate

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Research Data Explanation and Related Materials Notice Inquiries The "output gap" -- which serves as an indicator for the level of economic activity, and, consequently, for the pressure for price change -- and the "potential growth rate" -- which reflects the growth capacity of Japan's economy from a longer-term perspective -- are useful concepts for

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Basel III Capital Floor Technical Note

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1. Introduction As a follow up to the regulatory notice released on July 5, 2024, this technical note presents additional information about the Basel III capital floor. This note touches on the following key points: Capital floors are not new as part of the 2017 Basel III reforms - indeed, capital floors were included in earlier Basel capital

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Annual Risk Outlook – Semi-annual update – Fiscal Year 2024-2025

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The Superintendent articulated OSFI’s approach to its new integrity and security mandate in a speech on May 8, 2024. This speech highlights the close linkage between non-financial and financial risks, and the effects that non-financial risks can have in undermining the rights of depositors, policyholders, and creditors of financial institutions. OSFI has implemented an Integrity

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Escaping stagnation: towards a stronger euro area – Speech by Isabel Schnabel

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Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at a lecture in memory of Walter Eucken Freiburg, 2 October 2024 The euro area economy is stagnating. Over the past two years, real GDP has expanded, on average, by only 0.1% per quarter. Surveys among firms indicate that growth is likely to

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