Monthly Retail Payments Report, August 2023

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- Envíos de dinero (transferencias inmediatas “push”) registraron un crecimiento del 106,1 % i.a., Administradas por redes: sse superaron los 300 millones de transferencias inmediatas “push” por $ 10,6 billones, que implican incrementos interanuales del 106,1 % y del 35,6 %, en cantidades y en montos respectivamente. El 65,1 % tuvo como origen y/o destino

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Inclusion of South Africa on AML blacklist requires ESMA to withdraw the recognition decision of JSE Clear

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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has withdrawn as required by EMIR the recognition decision of JSE Clear, a central counterparty (“CCP”) established in South Africa.  This withdrawal follows the addition of South Africa, by the European Commission, to the list of high-risk third countries presenting strategic

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ESAs specify criticality criteria and oversight fees for critical ICT third-party providers under DORA

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The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) today published their joint response to the European Commission’s Call for Advice on two EC delegated acts under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) specifying further criteria for critical ICT third-party service providers (CTPPs) and determining oversight fees levied on such providers. In relation

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FCA confirms leasehold buildings insurance reforms

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The FCA has confirmed new measures to support leaseholders in the multi-occupancy buildings insurance market. From the new year, insurance firms will be forced to act in leaseholders’ best interests, treat leaseholders as customers when designing products and will be banned from recommending an insurance policy based on commission or remuneration levels. Insurers will also

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The ACPR and the AMF warn the public against the activities of several players who offer investments in Forex and derivative products on crypto-assets in France without being authorized to do so

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L’Autorité bancaire européenne (ABE) a lancé le 31 janvier 2023 un test de résistance qui a porté sur les 70 groupes bancaires européens les plus importants, dont 57 groupes sous la supervision directe de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), et couvrant environ 75% des actifs du système bancaire européen. En parallèle, la BCE a lancé

Continue ReadingThe ACPR and the AMF warn the public against the activities of several players who offer investments in Forex and derivative products on crypto-assets in France without being authorized to do so