Conference on “The European Anti-Money Laundering Authority: goals, prospects and challenges”

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La Banca d'Italia e l'Unità di informazione finanziaria per l'Italia organizzano, il prossimo 10 novembre, il convegno "The European Anti-Money Laundering Authority: goals, prospects and challenges". I lavori avranno l'obiettivo di esaminare l'istituzione dell'Autorità antiriciclaggio europea (AMLA), principale elemento di novità del pacchetto di misure in corso di adozione a livello europeo per potenziare gli

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RBI Mandates Private Sector and Foreign-Owned Banks to Appoint Minimum Two Whole-Time Directors, Including MD & CEO, for Effective Governance

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RBI/2023-24/70 DOR.HGG.GOV.REC.46/29.67.001/2023-24 October 25, 2023 All Private Sector Banks and Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries of Foreign Banks (excluding Payment Banks and Local Area Banks) Madam / Dear Sir Appointment of Whole-Time Director(s) Please refer to paragraph 10 and 11 of our instructions DOR.GOV.REC.8/29.67.001/2021-22 dated April 26, 2021 on ‘Corporate Governance in Banks - Appointment of Directors and

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European Supervisory Authorities publish joint criteria on the independence of supervisory authorities

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The three European Supervisory Authorities– the European Banking Authority (EBA), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) – today published their joint criteria on the independence of supervisory authorities. Supervisory independence is key to ensure that fair, effective and transparent decisions

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ESA’s Joint Board of Appeal suspends the decision by the European Securities and Markets Authority to withdraw the recognition decision of Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation as a Tier 1 third-country central counterparty

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The Joint Board of Appeal (“the Board”) of the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) decided that the application for suspension brought by Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation (“DCCC”) against the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) is admissible and suspends the ESMA Decision.   The application was brought in relation to ESMA’s Decision, adopted under Article 25p Regulation

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Bank Report, August 2023

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� En el mes se redujo la intermediaci�n financiera en moneda nacional con el sector privado, en un marco en el cual el sistema financiero mantuvo elevados indicadores de liquidez y solvencia, superiores al promedio de los �ltimos 10 a�os.,� Los medios de pago electr�nico continuaron presentando un destacado desempe�o. En agosto crecieron las transferencias

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