President Mattarella at the Bank of Italy Exhibition “The Adventure of Money”

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Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella è intervenuto al Palazzo delle Esposizioni all'inaugurazione della Mostra "L'Avventura della Moneta" che offre un'anteprima del futuro Museo della Moneta della Banca d'Italia. La mostra apre le porte al pubblico a partire da domani 31 ottobre 2023 fino al 28 aprile 2024. La mostra, ideata da Paco Lanciano e

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Bank of Italy Clarifies Suspension Conditions for Reimbursement of Unauthorized Transactions by PSPs and Introduces Reporting Template

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La Banca d'Italia ha pubblicato una comunicazione con cui si forniscono precisazioni sui presupposti della sospensione del rimborso delle operazioni non autorizzate da parte dei prestatori di servizi di pagamento (PSP) e sulle modalità con cui comunicare tale sospensione. Inoltre, al fine di favorire l'ordinata trasmissione delle segnalazioni di sospensione dei rimborsi, è disponibile un

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Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act 2020 – Change in Name of Co-operative Banks

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RBI/2023-24/79 DoR.REG/LIC.No.55/07.01.000/2023-24 October 30, 2023 Chairman / Managing Director / Chief Executive OfficerAll Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks All State Co-operative Banks andAll District Central Co-operative Banks Madam / Dear Sir Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act 2020 - Change in Name of Co-operative Banks Pursuant to the notification of the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of

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Clarification regarding Shifting of Branches/Offices/Extension Counters within the same city, town or village by District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) and Guidelines on Closure of Branches and Extension Counters by DCCBs

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RBI/2023-24/78 DoR.REG/LIC.No.54/19.51.052/2023-24 October 30, 2023 Madam / Sir Clarification regarding Shifting of Branches/Offices/Extension Counters within the same city, town or village by District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) and Guidelines on Closure of Branches and Extension Counters by DCCBs Pursuant to the amendment to the Banking Regulation Act (No.39 of 2020) dated September 29, 2020, District

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ESMA publishes analysis on the evolution of EEA share market structure since the application of MiFID II

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ESMA publishes today an article on the evolution of the European share market structure from 2019 to 2022, following the implementation of the markets in financial instruments directive (MiFID II). Specific focus is given to the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, given its pivotal role in equity markets. The European market structure

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