Monthly report of Statistics of Long-term Care Benefit Expeditures (Cases assessed on June 2023)

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US Department of Labor assesses California agricultural employer $17K in penalties for H-2A violations, recovers $14K for workers

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Employer:      Heritage Farms LLC                        2309 E 5 US Highway 98Holtville, CA 92250 Investigation findings: U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators determined that Heritage Farms provided substandard housing facilities, transported workers in unsafe vehicles and failed to pay required wages in full, all violations of the H-2A temporary agricultural program. Investigators found the housing provided by

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New York City Subway restaurant franchisee pays $10K in punitive damages to employee fired by employer during US Department of Labor investigation

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NEW YORK – The operator of a Subway restaurant franchise in Manhattan’s Lower East Side who fired an employee during an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has learned that underpaying employees and retaliating against them has expensive consequences.Division investigators found that NPK Foods Inc., which operates the Subway franchise at 334

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US Department of Labor finds Augusta battery manufacturer exposing employees to unsafe lead levels, other hazards

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ATLANTA – A federal workplace safety investigation has found an Augusta battery manufacturer exposed employees to unsafe levels of lead, a determination based on personal air monitoring of workers and lead accumulation on respirators and counters in areas where workers took lunch breaks.The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued two repeat citations

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Department of Labor cites Irvington contractor who exposed roofing workers to fall dangers, other hazards at Hasbrouck Heights work site

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IRVINGTON, NJ – Federal workplace safety inspectors have cited an Irvington contractor who exposed employees to potentially deadly falls by allowing them to do roofing work atop a two-story home in Bergen County without required fall protection in March 2023. U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspectors opened an investigation after observing employees of JM

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