Payment behaviour in Germany in 2023

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One-half of all transactions in Germany in 2023 were settled using banknotes and coins. At the same time, the prevalence of cashless payment methods increased ever further, according to the Bundesbank’s latest study on payment behaviour in Germany, which is for 2023.  The trend of declining cash use continued. Compared with the 2021 study, the

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Speech delivered at the change of office ceremony at the Regional Office in Saxony and Thuringia

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Check against delivery. 1 Words of welcome 2 Dr Hubert Temmeyer 3 Economic activity, inflation and monetary policy 4 Business dynamism and productivity 5 Concluding remarks 1 Words of welcome Ladies and gentlemen,  Welcome to this change of office ceremony at the Bundesbank’s Regional Office in Saxony and Thuringia. It’s wonderful to have so many

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Is CBDC the money of the future? – Keynote at the Central Bank Payments Conference

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Check against delivery. 1 Introduction 2 The future is digital 3 CBDCs and their implications for central banks? 4 Why is the Eurosystem considering issuing a CBDC – the digital euro? 5 What would a digital euro be? 6 Where do we currently stand with the digital euro? 7 What are the next steps? 8

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Collective bargaining and co-determination: Anette Kramme at ver.di conference

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The German economy is slowly regaining its footing after a roughly two-year period of weakness, according to the Bundesbank’s current Forecast for Germany. The German economy is extricating itself from the period of economic weakness, Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel said. The Forecast for Germany expects German gross domestic product (GDP) to grow again somewhat this year and

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