Executive Board consultation regarding the recommendation by the Bundesrat’s Financial Committee

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Executive Board consultation regarding the recommendation by the Bundesrat’s Financial Committee 17.09.2024 Press release Deutsche Bundesbank DE The consultation of the Deutsche Bundesbank's Executive Board pursuant to section 7 (3) of the Bundesbank Act regarding the nomination of Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib as a member of the Deutsche Bundesbank's Executive Board took place on Tuesday, 17 September 2024. The Executive Board

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We’ve ridden out the big wave of inflation

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The interview was conducted by Christian Siedenbiedel. Translation: Deutsche Bundesbank Mr Nagel, is this terrible wave of inflation finally over? Yes, I believe this wave of inflation is coming to an end. In its initial phase, it was very challenging, or, as you put it, “terrible”. However, we in the euro area are now well

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Executive Board agrees allocation of responsibilities

Executive Board agrees allocation of responsibilities 03.09.2024 Press release Deutsche Bundesbank DE With effect from Monday, 2 September 2024, Dr Sabine Mauderer was appointed Vice-President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Furthermore, Lutz Lienenkämper and Michael Theurer joined the Bundesbank’s Executive Board. The responsibilities within the Executive Board have therefore been reallocated. The following reallocation of responsibilities

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What can we learn from the recent disinflation episode?

Check against delivery. 1 Introduction 2 Drivers of the latest surge in inflation and the response from monetary policy 3 The recent global episode of disinflation and its economic costs 4 Possible explanations for the comparatively painless process of disinflation 5 Lessons learned from the most recent episode of disinflation 6 Conclusion 1 Introduction Ladies

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Consultation regarding Dr Sabine Mauderer and Michael Theurer

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Consultation regarding Dr Sabine Mauderer and Michael Theurer 26.07.2024 Press release Deutsche Bundesbank DE On Friday, 26 July 2024, the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank was consulted pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Bundesbank Act on the nomination of Dr Sabine Mauderer as Vice-President and Mr Michael Theurer as Member of the Executive Board of the

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