Court orders operators of 14 Bay Area Subway locations to pay employees nearly $1M in wages, damages; sell or shut down their businesses

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SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has ordered the owners and operators of 14 Bay Area Subway restaurants to pay employees nearly $1 million in back wages and damages after federal investigators found they directed children as young as 14 and 15 to use dangerous equipment and assigned minors to

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US Department of Labor sues 7-Eleven owners association president in Michigan alleging the stores’ pay records were inaccurate

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GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit against the operator and owner of four western Michigan 7-Eleven convenience stores after an investigation found payroll records were inaccurate, paid employees “off the books” and failed to pay them overtime.Filed on Sept. 29, 2023, in the U.S. District Court for the Western

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Department of Labor, International Labor Organization announce effort to observe workplace votes; inform workers, employers about labor rights

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WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Labor and International Labor Organization today announced the launch of a joint initiative in Leon, Guanajuato, that will support workplace democratic processes in Mexico through the impartial observation of workplace votes and the capacity-building of workers, employers and other key stakeholders on the issues of freedom of association and collective

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US Department of Labor investigation of 29-year-old worker’s drowning finds Key Largo marine construction company failed to follow federal safety requirements

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KEY LARGO, FL – A 29-year-old employee of a Florida marine construction company drowned in five feet of water after being pinned under a fallen crane in March 2023. Federal workplace safety investigators determined the company could have prevented the fatality by following required safety standards.Employees of Upper Keys Marine Construction LLC were installing a piling

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Marinho defends decent work and highlights the Government’s achievements at a meeting of BRICS Labor and Employment ministers in South Africa

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O ministro do Trabalho e Emprego, Luiz Marinho, participou nesta quinta-feira (28), em Durban, na África do Sul, na 9ª reunião de ministros do Trabalho e Emprego dos BRICS, de uma discussão técnica sobre garantia dos direitos trabalhistas. A iniciativa integra a agenda da 9ª reunião de ministros do Trabalho e Emprego do BRICS. Dentro do

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