Court of Appeal rules ICO acted lawfully in subject access request complaint litigation

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“We take pride in providing a great service to customers and getting the best outcomes we can for people complaining about breaches of their information rights. This is at the heart of what the ICO does. “We received more than 33,500 data protection complaints in 2022/23 and issued nearly 40,000 outcome decisions in the same

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“The Privacy-Proof School” handbook by the Guarantor is now online, serving as a comprehensive guide for educational institutions, teachers, students, and families

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"La scuola a prova di privacy". On line il vademecum del Garante Un agile strumento per istituzioni scolastiche, docenti, studenti e famiglie Dalle foto scattate alle recite scolastiche all’uso d[...],“Ambasciatori della Privacy”: ecco le scuole vincitrici del contest lanciato dal Garante I video dei ragazzi per spiegare ai loro coetanei che cos’è la privacy e

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OPC posts submission to government’s consultation on strengthening Canada’s anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime

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October 10, 2023 OPC posts submission to government’s consultation on strengthening Canada’s anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has published its submission to the Department of Finance Canada in response to its Consultation on Strengthening Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/ATF) Regime. The submission focuses on critical

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BfDI informs postal service providers about data protection

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Datum 09.10.2023 Mit dem heutigen Weltposttag veröffentlicht der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) ein neues Informationsangebot für kleine und mittlere Postdienstleister zum Datenschutz. Quelle: Adobe Stock Der Flyer „Datenschutz und Postdienstleister“ gibt praktische Hinweise und Antworten zu Fragen wie: „Was muss ich als Postdienstleister im Datenschutz beachten?“ oder „Braucht mein Unternehmen einen

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ANPD defends centralized regulation of the use of Artificial Intelligence at TCU events

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O Gerente de Projetos e Assessor do Conselho Diretor da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), Lucas Borges, participou, nesta sexta-feira (06/10), do segundo e último dia do “VII Fórum Nacional de Controle: Desenvolvimento Sustentável e o Controle - Conectando fiscalizações, governança e sustentabilidade”, organizado pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU).  Coordenado pelo

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