Health research: the CNIL adopts two reference methodologies allowing access to the main database of the SNDS

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Les deux nouvelles méthodologies de référence adoptées par la CNIL  simplifient l’accès à la base principale du Système National des Données en Santé (SNDS). Elles concernent les organismes agissant dans le cadre de leurs missions d’intérêt public ou de leur intérêt légitime.

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EDPS Opinion 42/2023 on the Proposal for two Directives on AI liability rules

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European Data Protection Supervisor X EU Voice LinkedIn YouTube EU Video RSS Feed Data Protection Notice European Data Protection Supervisor Print 31 July 2023 EDPS mini-series of tips to keep your personal data and privacy when on holiday. Tip#2: Share with care. Sharing personal information about yourself and others online comes with responsibilities and risks

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Artificial intelligence: the CNIL opens a consultation on the creation of learning databases

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La CNIL publie ses premières fiches pratiques sur la constitution de bases de données d’apprentissage des systèmes d’intelligence artificielle. Ces fiches doivent aider les professionnels à concilier innovation et respect des droits des personnes. Elles sont soumises à consultation publique jusqu’au 16 novembre 2023.

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Privacy Commissioner seeks input on draft biometrics guidance documents

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Privacy Commissioner seeks input on draft biometrics guidance documents October 11, 2023 The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is seeking input to update guidance for organizations related to handling biometric information for both public and private sector organizations. Since the OPC’s existing guidance on biometrics was published in 2011, technologies such as

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“ANPD must be strengthened”, argues Director of the Digital Law Commission of the Chamber of Deputies

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A Diretora da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), Miriam Wimmer, participou, na manhã desta quarta-feira (11), de audiência pública na Comissão Especial sobre Direito Digital da Câmara dos Deputados. O encontro, que tratou de proteção e tratamento de dados por órgãos e empresas públicas, foi requerido pelo Deputado Federal Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos-MG)

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