Annual meeting of global authorities puts spotlight on privacy protection and advancing technologies

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October 20, 2023 Annual meeting of global authorities puts spotlight on privacy protection and advancing technologies Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne joined international data protection authorities this week at the 45th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) to discuss key privacy issues and how regulators can work effectively – both individually and collectively – to protect

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ANPD accepted as a full member of the Global Privacy Assembly

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) foi aceita ontem (19) como membro pleno no Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), em reunião anual que aconteceu em Bermuda. A ANPD participou de forma remota e foi representada pela Coordenadora-Geral de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais, Juliana Müller.  A integração da ANDP como membro pleno fortalece a cooperação

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EDPS news: opinion on the draft regulation on the digital euro and theme of the next coordinated application framework

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Le CEPD adopte un avis sur le projet de règlement sur l’euro numérique et rappelle les mesures à prendre pour préserver la vie privée des citoyens européens. Les autorités de protection des données décident de conduire de manière coordonnée des vérifications sur le respect du droit d’accès.

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EDPS-EDPB Joint Opinion on the Digital Euro

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EDPS-EDPB Joint Opinions EDPS-EDPB Joint Opinion on the Digital Euro EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion 02/2023 on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the digital euro. File size: 1.42 MB File type: pdf English Download Available languages: English edpb_edps_jointopinion_digitaleuro_en.pdf Topics Finance & Economy

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Privacy Commissioner appears before Parliament to discuss proposals to modernize federal privacy law

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Privacy Commissioner appears before Parliament to discuss proposals to modernize federal privacy law Ottawa, ON, October 19, 2023 – Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne discussed ways to improve and strengthen a Bill to modernize the federal private sector privacy law during an appearance before Parliament today. Commissioner Dufresne was speaking before the House of Commons Standing

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