Blog: How data protection law can help retailers tackle shoplifting

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A blog from Melissa Mathieson, the ICO's Director of Regulatory Policy Projects As statistics show that shoplifting is up by 27% across ten of the largest cities in the UK*, more retailers are turning to technology to protect their business. Data protection law enables retailers to share criminal offence data such as images to prevent

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Opinion 44/2023 on the Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act in the light of legislative developments

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Press Release EDPS' Final Recommendations on the AI Act The EDPS published today its own-initiative Opinion on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) as this proposed Regulation enters the final stages of negotiations between the EU’s co-legislators. The AI Act aims to regulate the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in the EU

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TechSonar: a step into the future

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The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) regularly publishes TechSonar reports on emerging technologies.  TechSonar aims to anticipate emerging technology trends: the main aim of this initiative is to better understand future developments in the technology sector from a data protection perspective. Based on the collective intelligence of the EDPS staff, we aim to contribute to

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