ANPD participates in RAID, Forum on Regulation of AI, Internet & Data

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) esteve presente e participou como painelista da edição de 2024 do RAID (Fórum de Regulação de IA, Internet & Data), em Bruxelas, Bélgica. Realizado entre 23 e 24 de setembro , o evento teve a participação do d iretor -p residente da ANPD, Waldemar Ortunho , e do

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ANPD launches page on International Data Transfer

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) lançou hoje (24) página específica sobre Transferência Internacional de Dados (TID) em seu portal oficial. A medida visa garantir maior transparência e facilitar o entendimento das empresas e dos cidadãos sobre os mecanismos que regem a movimentação de dados pessoais para fora do território nacional.   A

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Enhanced support: the CNIL will guide four companies for six months

La CNIL a sélectionné les entreprises Docaposte, Doctrine, la Française des Jeux et ShareID pour bénéficier d’un accompagnement renforcé sur les six prochains mois. Elle leur apportera des réponses sur mesure afin de les guider vers une bonne prise en compte de la règlementation sur la protection des données.

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Recovery fund: Council greenlights Luxembourg’s amended plan that includes a RepowerEU chapter

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The Council today approved the Commission’s positive assessment of Luxembourg’s amended recovery and resilience plan. The amended plan, including a new REPowerEU chapter, is now worth €241.1 million in grants. Luxembourg’s RepowerEU chapter will focus on the deployment of renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency, and sustainable transport. The modified plan allocates 80% of available funds

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Speech by President Charles Michel at the UN Summit of the Future

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‘The health and strength of a community depend on every citizen’s willingness to shoulder his part of the burdens and responsibilities of the community.’These are the memorable words of former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld. That is why each of us is here today: to do our part, and to share the responsibilities. Finding the best way

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