Cybersecurity of public services: ANSSI integrates GDPR compliance objectives into the MonServiceSécurisé tool

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Afin d’aider l’État et les collectivités, l’ANSSI met à disposition un outil pour piloter en équipe la sécurité de leurs services publics en ligne et les homologuer rapidement. Depuis quelques mois, cet outil intègre également des mesures dédiées à la conformité au RGPD, élaborées avec la CNIL.

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Copyright Board of Canada joins Canadian Digital Regulators Forum

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Copyright Board of Canada joins Canadian Digital Regulators Forum GATINEAU, QC, September 10, 2024 – The Canadian Digital Regulators Forum (Forum) is pleased to welcome the Copyright Board of Canada (Copyright Board) as a new member, a step which will further broaden the perspectives of the Forum and enhance its ability to effectively respond to the scale, speed

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EDPB to work together with European Commission to develop guidance on interplay GDPR and DMA

The Commission services in charge of the enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) have agreed to work together to clarify and give guidance on the interplay between DMA and GDPR. This enhanced dialogue between Commission’s services and the EDPB will focus on the applicable obligations to digital

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ICO and NCA sign memorandum of understanding for further collaboration on cyber security

“Unfortunately we’ve seen cyber-crime costing UK firms billions over the past years. That’s why it’s crucial that relevant bodies work together to boost the UK’s cyber resilience. “This new memorandum of understanding builds on our existing relationship with the NCA and will help improve cyber security standards across the board, while respecting each other’s remits.”

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Statement by the Privacy Commissioner welcoming the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision on Facebook

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GATINEAU, QC, September 9, 2024 – The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Philippe Dufresne, issued the following statement on today’s unanimous decision by the Federal Court of Appeal that Facebook’s practices between 2013 and 2015 breached Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law (the  Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act  (PIPEDA)): “This landmark ruling is an acknowledgement

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