ANPD publishes report on data protection in the G20 digital economy

Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados publicou, nesta semana , o relatório do evento: "Navegando pela proteção de dados na agenda da economia digital do G20" , realizado em junho deste ano , em São Luis /MA . O relatório reúne contribuições de especialistas internacionais e de representantes de diferentes áreas, ressaltando a importância da

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Iran: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

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The European Union strongly condemns the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia. This transfer is a direct threat to European security and represents a substantive material escalation from the provision of Iranian UAVs and ammunition, which Russia has used in its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. It comes in the midst of

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ICO statement in response to Meta’s announcement on user data to train AI

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"In June, Meta paused its plans to use Facebook and Instagram user data to train generative AI in response to a request from the ICO. It has since made changes to its approach, including making it simpler for users to object to the processing and providing them with a longer window to do so. Meta

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ANPD participates in the 62nd Meeting of the Bureau of Convention 108 of the Council of Europe

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A Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) participou, nos dias 11 e 12 de setembro, da 62ª Reunião do Bureau da Convenção 108 do Conselho da Europa, realizada no escritório de Veneza, na Itália. O evento contou com a presença de membros efetivos e de observadores internacionais, discutindo temas cruciais sobre a proteção de

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