Another step forward towards responsible vulnerability disclosure in Europe

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Based on its mandate to foster cybersecurity resilience in the EU single market, ENISA has been working more actively on developing mechanisms to encourage the use of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) practices. ENISA actively promoted CVD and supported EU CSIRTs in the adoption and development of CVD policies at the national level. For this purpose

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ESAs and ENISA sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange

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This multilateral MoU formalises the ongoing discussions between the ESAs and ENISA to strengthen their already close cooperation, as a result of the Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity (NIS2 Directive) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

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The Registry for the Provision of Satellite Facilities was created

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  Esta medida fija los requisitos administrativos para que los proveedores de internet satelital puedan obtener los permisos pertinentes. A partir de ahora los prestadores no necesitan una autorización especial para operar y se crea un registro a efectos de evitar interferencias en las comunicaciones.    El objetivo de esta resolución es agilizar los trámites

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Custom-made Awareness Raising to enhance Cybersecurity Culture

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Advanced protection of systems and a robust cybersecurity strategy have become a priority for all kinds of organisations, as cybersecurity issues and threats have evolved to be increasingly sophisticated and pervasive. Thus, awareness raising activities and having a relevant methodology in place are a fundamental to integrating cybersecurity in the organisational culture. With a view

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