Records on the SIPIA Guardianship Council Module are on the Open Data Portal

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As informações sobre registros do Sistema de Informação para a Infância e Adolescência - Módulo Conselho Tutelar (SIPIA-CT) foram disponibilizadas no Portal de Dados Abertos do Governo Federal. As informações publicadas preservam dados pessoais e cumprem todas as medidas protetivas relacionadas à confidencialidade e sigilo. Na plataforma, é possível acessar os registros de dados sobre

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New report recommends Australia urgently creates nationally consistent enduring powers of attorney laws

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Complaints , Home About News media releases New report recommends Australia urgently creates nationally consistent enduring powers of attorney laws New report recommends Australia urgently creates nationally consistent enduring powers of attorney laws , Age Discrimination , Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM has said Commonwealth and State and Territory governments must act now to

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Housing association employees win race discrimination case

One current and one former employee of London and Quadrant Housing Trust (L&Q) have received a financial settlement totalling £95,000, in a race discrimination case supported by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). An employment tribunal found that Natalie James and Joanna Saine were both discriminated against by their employer when they were overlooked

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Commissioners welcome ongoing investment to end gendered violence

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Complaints , Home About News media releases Commissioners welcome ongoing investment to end gendered violence Commissioners welcome ongoing investment to end gendered violence , Sex Discrimination , Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and National Children’s Commissioner welcome the National Cabinet’s funding announcement to end gendered violence in Australia

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Federal Government launches course to encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market

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Com objetivo de apresentar as ferramentas essenciais para promover a inclusão efetiva de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho, o Ministério dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania (MDHC) lançou o curso ‘Seleção, contratação e inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mundo do trabalho’, que já está com inscrições abertas. A atividade integra o Programa

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