Komnas HAM-AIMEP Delegation Shares Human Rights and Freedom of Speech Issues

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Latuharhary - Komnas HAM menerima kunjungan delegasi Australian-Indonesian Muslim Exchange Program (AIMEP) di Kantor Komnas HAM Menteng, Jakarta, Rabu (12/9/2024).  Delegasi AIMEP berkunjung ke Komnas HAM untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang peran Komnas HAM dalam melaksanakan pengkajian, penelitian, penyuluhan, pemantauan, dan mediasi hak asasi manusia, serta mekanisme penanganan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan upaya advokasi

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Talking Peace in the Shadow of Genocide: Palestine Panel Held in the Context of World Peace Day

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Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Kurulunun 28 Eylül 2001 tarih ve A/RES/55/282 sayılı kararı ile 21 Eylül Dünya Barış Günü olarak kabul edilmiştir. Karar ile, tüm Üye Devletler, Birleşmiş Milletler sistemi örgütleri, bölgesel ve sivil toplum örgütleri ve bireyler, eğitim ve kamuoyu farkındalığı da dâhil olmak üzere Uluslararası Barış Gününü uygun bir şekilde anmaya ve küresel

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EHRC statement on changes to Winter Fuel Payment eligibility

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A spokesperson for the Equality and Human Rights Commission said: The Public Sector Equality Duty requires government departments to have due regard for how their policies and decisions affect people with protected characteristics.     “As Britain’s equality regulator, we have written to His Majesty’s Treasury to remind them of their obligation to consider the

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Commitment to Human Rights with children and adolescents is reinforced at Conanda assembly

Durante a 329ª Assembleia Ordinária do Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Conanda), nesta quarta-feira (11), a ministra dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania, Macaé Evaristo, abordou os desafios e os avanços da implementação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) e da necessidade de articulação entre o Conanda e a

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Children’s Commissioner welcomes Senate Inquiry into child justice

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Complaints , Home About News Children's Commissioner welcomes Senate Inquiry into child justice Children's Commissioner welcomes Senate Inquiry into child justice , Children's Rights Thursday 12 September, 2024 , National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds has welcomed the establishment of a Federal Senate Inquiry into Australia’s child justice system, saying it has come at a critical

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