Most important differences between the previous and new laws of the commercial register

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17 Sep 2024 Page Content   The new Law of Commercial Register contributes to facilitating business by regulating the procedures for registration in the Commercial Registry, ensuring the accuracy of the recorded data, updating it periodically, and making it available and easily searched and accessed. The following are the most important differences between the previous

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FesPa 2024: From Work to Action, Building a Nation Without Corruption

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Dalam upaya pencegahan korupsi, salah satu hal krusial yang harus digarisbawahi adalah peran serta masyarakat. Untuk itu, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) terus berupaya melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam setiap langkah pencegahan korupsi, salah satunya melalui ajang Festival Pena Antikorupsi (FesPa) 2024 yang telah berlangsung sejak 1 Agustus 2024 lalu, dengan digagas oleh Direktorat Gratifikasi dan

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The Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK) found a number of important problems in the management of mineral, coal and forestry mining permits at the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

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JAKARTA, Humas BPK - Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menemukan sejumlah permasalahan penting dalam pengelolaan perizinan pertambangan mineral, batubara, dan kehutanan pada Kementerian Investasi/Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM). Hal tersebut diungkap Anggota II BPK/Pimpinan Pemeriksaan Keuangan Negara II Daniel Lumban Tobing saat menyampaikan laporan hasil pemeriksaan (LHP) atas kepatuhan pengelolaan perizinan pertambangan mineral, batubara dan kehutanan

Continue ReadingThe Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK) found a number of important problems in the management of mineral, coal and forestry mining permits at the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

£1.2m cash and £350,000 assets seized as organised crime group dismantled

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An organised crime group responsible for laundering millions in criminal cash, class A and B drug distribution and the attempted fraudulent acquisition of £1.5million of government grants has been dismantled following a two-year NCA investigation. On 6 June and 15 July 2024, Rickinder Hare, 36, and Neelen Balarajah, 34, were sentenced to a total of

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Fujian held a special meeting to strengthen responsibility, review and rectify to optimize the development environment

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福建专题会商压实责任 检视整改优化发展环境 来源:中央纪委国家监委网站 发布时间: 2024-09-16 07:00 分享 中央纪委国家监委网站 林瑶 通讯员 李畅翱 郭瑞强   近日,一场以“为优化营商环境提供司法行政部门法治支撑服务”为主题的专题会商会在福建省司法厅党委会议室召开。该省司法厅党委书记及班子成员、省纪委监委驻省司法厅纪检监察组、省司法厅相关职能处室负责人齐聚一堂。   “这些信访件反映出司法行政系统对律师、公证、鉴定机构等公共法律服务部门的人员监管还不够到位、履职还不够有力,必须举一反三、检视整改,助力推动我省法治化营商环境持续优化。”专题会商会议上,福建省纪委监委驻省司法厅纪检监察组负责同志通报指出去年以来公共法律服务专项监督工作开展情况及存在问题。   诸如此样的专题会商,福建省纪委监委驻省司法厅纪检监察组已组织召开了多次,与以往不同的是,此次专题会商由省纪委监委第一纪检监察室派员参加并点评,是省司法厅党委与派驻纪检监察组围绕“为优化营商环境提供司法行政部门法治支撑服务”专项监督开展的一次全面、深层次专题会商。   “组织召开专题会商会,是福建省纪委监委做强派驻监督工作的重点举措之一。”福建省纪委监委第一纪检监察室有关负责同志告诉记者,此次专题会商既是对省司法厅党委履行主体责任的集中“体检”,也是驻省司法厅纪检监察组与省司法厅党委同题共答、同频共振、同向发力,助力法治化营商环境建设的有益实践。   福建省纪委监委紧扣实施新时代民营经济强省战略,将推动营商环境持续优化纳入政治监督选题,深化“知、督、促”工作机制,制定出台规范政商交往行为推动全面构建亲清政商关系的意见,发布指导案例,列出监督清单、建立监督台账,形成“发现问题、整改纠偏、深化治理”工作闭环,推动提升法治化营商环境“软实力”。   在福建省纪委监委领导下,驻省司法厅纪检监察组聚焦涉企立法、行政审批、执法监督等重点领域、关键环节,按照“选题立项、清单实施、过程把控、晾单评晒”的流程,逐项落实、逐个推动,以精准监督保障涉企执法规范进行,持续推动法治化营商环境建设。   “多层级、跨部门执法往往存在权责界限不明,沟通协作不畅,信息资源不通等问题。福建省一体化大融合行政执法平台将全省3939个行政执法单位、9.8万名执法人员和相关执法事项纳入监管,统一工作门户,整合执法队伍,集中平台办案,既推动业务、执法、监管三方协同,又强化执法监督,最大限度减少‘扰民烦企’等问题,切实减轻企业制度性交易成本,打造更公正透明的法治化营商环境。”福建省司法厅法治督察处有关负责同志介绍。

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