PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983 97 STAT. 1105
Public Law 98-168
98th Congress
An Act
To amend title 5, United States Code, to extend the Federal Physicians Comparability
Allowance Act of 1978, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
SEC. 101. This title may be cited as the "Federal Physicians
Comparability Allowance Amendments of 1983".
SEC. 102. (a) The second sentence of section 5948(d) of title 5,
United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "No agreement
shall be entered into under this section later than September 30,
1987, nor shall any agreement cover a period of service extending
beyond September 30,1989.".
(b) Section 3 of the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance
Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. 5948 note) is amended by striking out "Septem
ber 30, 1985" and inserting in lieu thereof "September 30, 1989". Nov. 29, 1983
[H.R. 2077]
Allowance Act of
Amendments of
5 use 5948 note.
SEC. 103. (a) Any individual whose aggregate pay for fiscal year
1982 exceeded the limitation set forth in section 5383(b) of title 5,
United States Code, is relieved of all liability to the United States
for any amounts paid to such individual in excess of such limitation
if, and to the extent that, such liability takes into account any
allowance paid under section 5948 of such title.
(b)(1) The appropriate agency head shall pay, out of any appropri
ation or fund available to pay allowances under section 5948 of title
5, United States Code, to any individual as to whom liability is
relieved under subsection (a), an amount equal to the aggregate of
any amounts paid by such individual, or withheld from sums other
wise due such individual, with respect to any liability relieved under
such subsection.
(2) A payment under paragraph (1)—
(A) shall be made only if written application therefor is
submitted to the appropriate agency head, in accordance with
such regulations as the President or his designee may prescribe,
within two years after the date of enactment of this Act; and
(B) shall not be considered for purposes of applying the limita
tion set forth in section 5383(b) of title 5, United States Code.
(c) For the purpose of this section— 5 use 5948 note.
5 use 5948.
Definitions. 97 STAT. 1106 PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983
(1) the term "aggregate pay", as used with respect to an
individual, means the aggregate amount paid to such individual
under sections 4507, 5382, 5384, and 5948 of title 5, United
States Code;
(2) the term "appropriate agency head", as used with respect
to an individual, means the head of the agency employing such
individual when such individual was paid an allowance with
respect to which liability is relieved under this subsection; and
(3) the term "agency' has the meaning given such term by
5 use 5948. section 5948(gX2) of such title.
Adjustment Act
frJ^^^QQQi . SEC. 201. This title may be cited as the "Federal Employees'
5 ubc Hddi note. Retirement Contribution Temporary Adjustment Act of 1983^'.
5 use 8331 note. SEC. 202. It is the policy of the Government-
CD that the amount required to be contributed to certain
public retirement systems by employees and officers of the
Government who are also required to pay employment taxes
42 use 401. relating to benefits under title II of the Social Security Act for
service performed after December 31, 1983, be modified until
the date on which such employees and officers are covered by a
new Government retirement system (the design, structure, and
provisions of which have not been determined on the date of
enactment of this Act) or January 1, 1986, whichever is earlier;
(2) that the Treasury be required to pay into such retirement
systems the remainder of the amount such employees and
officers would have contributed during such period but for the
temporary modification;
(3) that the employing agencies make contributions to the
retirement systems with respect to such service in amounts
required by law in effect before January 1, 1984, without reduc
tion in such amounts;
(4) that such employees and officers accrue credit for service
for the purposes of the public retirement systems in effect on
the date of enactment of this Act until a new Government
retirement system covering such employees and officers is
(5) that, where appropriate, deposits to the credit of such a
retirement system be required with respect to service performed
by an employee or officer of the Government during the period
described in clause (1), and, where appropriate, annuities be
offset by the amount of certain social security benefits attribut
able to such service; and
(6) that such employees and officers who are first employed in
civilian service by the Government or first take office in civilian
service in the Government on or after January 1, 1984, become
subject to such new Government retirement system as may be
established for employees and officers of the Government on or
after January 1, 1984, and before January 1, 1986, with credit
for service performed after December 31, 1983, by such em-5 use 8331. PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983 97 STAT. 1107
ployees and officers transferred to such new Government retire
ment system.
SEC. 203. (a) For the purposes of this title—
(1) the term "covered employee" means any individual whose 5 USC 8331 note,
service is covered service;
(2) the term "covered retirement system" means—
(A) the Civil Service Retirement and Disability System
under subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States
(B) the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
under chapter 8 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22
U.S.C. 4041 et seq.);
(C) the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dis
ability System under the Central Intelligence Agency Re
tirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees (50 U.S.C. 403
note); and
(D) any other retirement system (other than a new
Government retirement system) under which a covered
employee who is a participant in the system is required to
make contributions to the system in an amount equal to a
portion of the participant's basic pay for covered service, as
determined by the President;
(3) the term "covered service" means service which is employ
ment for the purposes of title II of the Social Security Act and 42 USC 401.
chapter 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 by reason of 26 USC 3101
the amendments made by section 101 of the Social Security ^^^eg.
Amendments of 1983 (97 Stat. 67); and
(4) the term "new Government retirement system" means any
retirement system which (A) is established for officers or em
ployees of the Government by or pursuant to a law enacted
after December 31, 1983, and before January 1, 1986, and (B)
takes effect on or before January 1, 1986.
(b) The President shall publish the determinations made for the Executive order,
purpose of subsection (a)(2)(D) in an Executive order. publication.
SEC. 204. (a) In the case of a covered employee who is participating 5 USC 8331 note,
in a covered retirement system, an employing agency shall deduct
and withhold only 1.3 percent of the basic pay of such employee
(1) section 8334 of title 5, United States Code;
(2) section 805 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C.
(3) section 211 of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement
Act of 1964 for Certain Employees (50 U.S.C. 403 note); or
(4) any provision of any other covered retirement system
which requires a participant in the system to make contribu
tions of a portion of the basic pay of the participant;
for covered service which is performed after December 31, 1983, and
before the earlier of the effective date of a new Government retire
ment system or January 1, 1986. Deductions shall be made and
withheld as provided by such provisions in the case of covered
service which is performed on or after such effective date or Janu-97 STAT. 1108 PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983
ary 1, 1986, as the case may be, and is not subject to a new
Government retirement system.
(b) Employing agencies of the Government shall make contribu
tions with respect to service to which subsection (a) of this section
applies under the second sentence of section 8334(a)(1) of title 5,
United States Code, the second sentence of section 805(a) of the
Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 4045(a)), the second sentence
of section 211(a) of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act
of 1964 for Certain Employees (50 U.S.C. 403 note), and any provi
sion of any other covered retirement system requiring a contribu
tion by the employing agency, as if subsection (a) of this section had
not been enacted.
5 use 8331 note.
5 use 8331.
22 use 4041
et seq.
Secretary of the
SEC. 205. (a) For purposes of this section—
(1) the term "contribution deficiency", when used with re
spect to a covered retirement system, means the excess of—
(A) the total amount which, but for section 204(a) of this
Act, would have been deducted and withheld under a provi
sion referred to in such section from the pay of covered
employees participating in such retirement system for serv
ice to which such section applies, over
(B) the total amount which was deducted and withheld
from the pay of covered employees for such service as
provided in section 204(a) of this Act; and
(2) the term "appropriate agency head" means—
(A) the Director of the Office of Personnel Management,
with respect to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability
System under subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United
States Code;
(B) the Secretary of State, with respect to the Foreign
Service Retirement and Disability System under chapter 8
of the Foreign Service Retirement Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 404
et seq.);
(C) the Director of Central Intelligence, with respect to
the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability
System under the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement
Act of 1964 for Certain Employees (50 U.S.C. 403 note); and
(D) the officer designated by the President for that pur
pose in the case of any retirement system described in
section 203(a)(2XD) of this Act.
(b) At the end of each of fiscal years 1984, 1985, and 1986, the
appropriate agency head—
(1) shall determine the amount of the contribution deficiency
for such fiscal year in the case of each covered retirement
system, including the interest that those contributions would
have earned had they been credited to the fund established for
the payment of benefits under such retirement system in the
same manner and at the same time as deductions under the
applicable provision of law referred to in section 204(a) of this
Act; and
(2) shall notify the Secretary of the Treasury of the amount of
the contribution deficiency in each such case.
(c) Before closing the accounts for each of fiscal years 1984, 1985,
and 1986, the Secretary of the Treasury shall credit to the fund
established for the payment of benefits under each covered retire-PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983 97 STAT. 1109
ment system, as a Government contribution, out of any money in
the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount equal to the
amount determined under subsection (b) with respect to that cov
ered retirement system for the fiscal year involved.
(d) Amounts credited to a fund under subsection (c) shall be
accounted for separately than amounts credited to such fund under
any other provision of law.
SEC. 206. (a) For the purposes of this section, the term "interim 5 USC 8331 note.
covered service" means covered service to which section 204(a)
(b)(1) Paragraphs (2) and (3) apply according to the provisions
thereof only with respect to a covered employee who is employed by
the Government on December 31, 1983.
(2)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the interim
covered service of such covered employee shall be considered—
(i) in determining entitlement to and computing the amount
of an annuity (other than a disability or survivor annuity)
commencing under a covered retirement system during the
period beginning January 1, 1984, and ending on the earlier of
the date a new Government retirement system takes effect or
January 1, 1986, by reason of the retirement of such covered
employee during such period only if such covered employee
makes a deposit to the credit of such covered retirement system
for such covered service in an amount computed as provided in
subsection (0; and
(ii) in computing a disability or survivor annuity which com
mences under a covered retirement system during such period
and is based in any part on such interim covered service.
(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an annuity to
which subparagraph (A)(ii) applies shall be reduced by the portion of
the amount of any benefits which is payable under title II of the
Social Security Act and is attributable to the interim covered service 42 USC 401.
considered in computing the amount of such annuity, as determined
under subsection (g), unless, in the case of a survivor annuity, a
covered employee has made a deposit with respect to such covered
service for the purposes of subparagraph (A)(i) before the date on
which payment of such annuity commences.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a new Govern
ment retirement system is not established or is inapplicable to such
a covered employee who retires or dies subject to a covered retire
ment system after the date on which such new Government retire
ment system takes effect, the interim covered service of such cov
ered employee shall be considered in determining entitlement to
and computing the amount of an annuity under a covered retire
ment system based on the service of such covered employee only if
such covered employee makes a deposit to the credit of such covered
retirement system for such covered service in an amount computed
as provided in subsection (f).
(c)(1) Paragraphs (2) and (3) apply according to the provisions
thereof only with respect to a covered employee who was not
employed by the Government on December 31, 1983.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any annuity
which commences under a covered retirement system during the 97 STAT. 1110 PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983
period described in subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) and is based, in any part,
on interim covered service shall be reduced by the portion of the
amount of any benefits which is payable under title II of the Social
42 use 401. Security Act to the annuitant and is attributable to such service, as
determined under subsection (g).
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a new Govern
ment retirement system is not established, the interim covered
service of such a covered employee who retires or dies after January
1, 1986, shall be considered in determining entitlement to and
computing the amount of an annuity under a covered retirement
system based on the service of such covered employee only if such
covered employee makes a deposit to the credit of such covered
retirement system for such covered service in an amount computed
as provided in subsection (f).
(d) If a covered employee with respect to whom subsection (b)(3) or
(c)(3) applies dies without having made a deposit pursuant to such
subsection, any individual who is entitled to an annuity under a
covered retirement system based on the service of such covered
employee or who would be entitled to such an annuity if such
deposit had been made by the covered employee before death may
make such deposit after the date of death of such covered employee.
Service covered by a deposit made pursuant to the first sentence
shall be considered in determining, in the case of each individual to
whom the first sentence applies, the entitlement to and the amount
of an annuity under a covered retirement system based on the
service of such covered employee.
(e) A reduction in annuity under subsection (b)(2)(B) or (c)(2) shall
commence on the first day of the first month after the date on which
42 use 401. payment of benefits under title II of the Social Security Act com
mence and shall be redetermined each time an increase in such
benefits takes effect pursuant to section 215(i) of the Social Security
42 use 415. Act. In the case of an annuity of a participant or former participant
in a covered retirement system, of a surviving spouse or child of
such participant or former participant, or of any other person
designated by such participant or former participant to receive an
annuity, under a covered retirement system (other than a former
spouse) the reduction in annuity under subsection (b)(2)(B) or (c)(2)
shall be calculated before any reduction in such annuity provided
under such system for the purpose of paying an annuity under such
system to any former spouse of such participant or former partici
pant based on the service of such participant or former participant.
(f) For the purposes of subsection (b) or (c), the amount of a deposit
to the credit of the applicable covered retirement system shall be
equal to the excess of—
(1) the total amount which would have been deducted and
withheld from the basic pay of the covered employee for the
interim covered service under such covered retirement system
but for the application of section 204(a), over
(2) the amount which was deducted and withheld from such
basic pay for such interim covered service pursuant to section
204(a) and was not refunded to such covered employee.
(g) For the purpose of subsections (b)(2)(B) and (c)(2), the portion of
the amount of the benefits which is payable under title II of the
42 use 401. Social Security Act to an individual and is attributable to interim
covered service shall be determined by—
(1) computing the amount of such benefits including credit for
such service; PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983 97 STAT. 1111
(2) computing the amount of such benefits, if any, without
including credit for such service; and
(3) subtracting the amount computed under clause (2) from
the amount computed under clause (1).
(h) The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall furnish to
the appropriate agency head (as defined in section 205(aX2)) such
information as such agency head considers necessary to carry out
this section. Information
SEC. 207. (a) Any covered employee who first becomes employed in 5 USC 8331 note,
civilian service by the Government or first takes office in civilian
service in the Government on or after January 1, 1984, shall become
subject to such new Government retirement system as may be
(b) In the case of any covered employee who is subject to a covered
retirement system on or after January 1, 1984, and thereafter
becomes subject to a new Government retirement system—
{1) credit for the service of such employee to which section
204(a) applies shall be transferred from such covered retirement
system to the new Government retirement system for the pur
poses of the new Government retirement system; and
(2) such service shall be considered not to be creditable service
for the purposes of such covered retirement system,
effective on the date on which such employee becomes subject to
such new Government retirement system.
SEC. 208. (a) Any individual performing service of a type referred 5 USC 8331 note,
to in clause ih, (ii), (iii), or (iv) of section 210(aX5) of the Social
Security Act beginning on or before December 31, 1983, may— Ante, p. 67.
(1) if such individual is then currently a participant in a
covered retirement system, elect by written application submit
ted before January 1,1984—
(A) to terminate participation in such system, effective
after December 31,1983; or
(B) to remain under such system, as if the preceding
sections of this Act and the amendments made by this Act
had not been enacted; or
(2) if such individual is then currently not a participant in a
covered retirement system, elect by written application—
(A) to become a participant under such system (if such
individual is otherwise eligible to participate in the system),
subject to the preceding sections of this Act and the amend
ments made by this Act; or
(B) to become a participant under such system (if such
individual is otherwise eligible to participate in the system),
as if the preceding sections of this Act and the amendments
made by this Act had not been enacted.
(b) An application by an individual under subsection (a) shall be
submitted to the official by whom such covered employee is paid.
(c) Any individual who elects to terminate participation in a
covered retirement system under subsection (aXlXA) is entitled to
have such individual's contributions to the retirement system
refunded, in accordance with applicable provisions of law, as if such Refund of
contributions. 97 STAT. 1112 PUBLIC LAW 98-168—NOV. 29, 1983
individual had separated from service as of the effective date of
the election.
(d) Any individual who is eligible to make an election under
subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (aXl), but who does not make
an election under either such subparagraph, shall be subject to the
preceding sections of this Act and the amendments made by this
Report to SEC. 301. (a) The Office of Personnel Management shall study and,
5^SC^5383 t wit^^i" 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to
each House of the Congress a report on the effect which section
5383(b) of title 5, United States Code (relating to the maximum
aggregate amount payable to a member of the Senior Executive
Service in a fiscal year) has had with respect to recruitment, reten
tion, and morale of career appointees in the Senior Executive
(b) Section 3135(a)(7) of title 5, United States Code, is amended to
read as follows:
"(7) for the preceding fiscal year, by agency—
"(A) the number of performance awards, and the number
of ranks, conferred, as well as the respective aggregate
amounts paid for such awards and ranks;
"(B) the percentage of career appointees in such agency
who received any such award, and the percentage who
received any such rank; and
"(C) the name of each individual who received any such
award or rank, the award or rank received, and a brief
summary of the reasons why such individual was selected;".
Approved November 29, 1983.
HOUSE REPORT No. 98-542 (Comm. of Conference).
SENATE REPORTS: No. 98-218 accompanying S. 1009 (Comm. on Governmental
Affairs) and No. 98-307 (Comm. of Conference).
Sept. 19, considered and passed House.
Sept. 30, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 1009.
Nov. 4, House concurred in Senate amendment with an amendment; Senate
concurred in House amendment with an amendment.
Nov. 11, Senate agreed to conference report.
Nov. 16, House agreed to conference report.
The Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978 is amended to extend its authority until September 30, 1987. The act also makes contributions adjustments for federal employees retirement systems and provides rules for special deposits and offsets relating to retirement benefits for interim covered service. Additionally, the act transfers credit to a new retirement system and allows certain employees to make elections regarding participation in a covered retirement system.
Highlights content goes here...
The Public Law 98-168, also known as the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Amendments of 1983, is an Act that amends Title 5 of the United States Code to extend the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978. The purpose of this Act is to provide for a temporary adjustment in the contributions made by federal employees and officers to certain public retirement systems.
Key Provisions
The key provisions of this Act include:
- Extension of authority: The Act extends the authority for the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978 until September 30, 1989.
- Pay adjustment: The Act provides for an adjustment in pay for certain federal physicians for fiscal year 1982, relieving them of liability for amounts paid in excess of a limitation set forth in Title 5 of the United States Code.
- Contribution adjustments: The Act adjusts contributions made by covered employees to certain public retirement systems, deducting and withholding only 1.3 percent of their basic pay for covered service performed after December 31, 1983, and before January 1, 1986.
- Reimbursement for contribution deficiency: The Act provides for reimbursement to the fund established for the payment of benefits under each covered retirement system, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount equal to the amount determined with respect to that covered retirement system for the fiscal year involved.
Industry Impact
The impact of this Act on various industries is significant. The adjustment in contributions made by federal employees and officers to certain public retirement systems will affect the financial stability of these systems. Additionally, the reimbursement for contribution deficiency will provide a financial boost to these systems, ensuring that they can continue to provide benefits to their participants.
The Public Law 98-168 is an update to the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978 and makes several amendments to Title 5 of the United States Code. These updates include:
- Changes to section 5948(d) of Title 5, which extends the authority for the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978 until September 30, 1989.
- Adjustment in contributions made by covered employees to certain public retirement systems, deducting and withholding only 1.3 percent of their basic pay for covered service performed after December 31, 1983, and before January 1, 1986.
- Reimbursement for contribution deficiency to the fund established for the payment of benefits under each covered retirement system.
This Act demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that federal employees and officers are treated fairly in terms of contributions made to public retirement systems.