Department of Labor investigation finds grain silo operator failed to provide required safety training, follow proper procedures in deadly engulfment

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COLQUITT, GA – A federal investigation into how a 59-year-old worker at a Colquitt grain silo became engulfed and suffocated in April 2023 found the operator could have prevented the fatality…

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Chen Bingheng, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of Guangdong Yuehai Holding Group Co., Ltd., is subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation

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广东粤海控股集团有é™å…¬å¸å…šå§”委员ã€副总ç»ç†é™ˆç§‰æ’接å—纪律审查和监察调查 æ¥æº:中央纪委国家监委网站 å‘布时间: 2023-09-15 17:00 分享   中央纪委国家监委网站讯 æ®å¹¿ä¸œçœ纪委监委消æ¯ï¼šå¹¿ä¸œç²¤æµ·æŽ§è‚¡é›†å›¢æœ‰é™å…¬å¸å…šå§”委员ã€副总ç»ç†é™ˆç§‰æ’涉嫌严é‡è¿纪è¿法,目å‰正接å—广东çœ纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。   陈秉æ’简历   陈秉æ’,男,汉æ—,1971å¹´11月出生,在èŒç ”究生学历,1994å¹´7月å‚加工作,1991å¹´12月加入中国共产党。   历任广东çœç›业集团有é™å…¬å¸èµ„产ç»è¥éƒ¨éƒ¨é•¿ï¼Œå¹¿ä¸œçœç›业集团广州有é™å…¬å¸å…šå§”书记ã€执行董事兼总ç»ç†ï¼Œå¹¿ä¸œç²¤æµ·æŽ§è‚¡é›†å›¢æœ‰é™å…¬å¸å…šå§”委员ã€副总ç»ç†ã€‚  (广东çœ纪委监委)

Continue ReadingChen Bingheng, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of Guangdong Yuehai Holding Group Co., Ltd., is subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation

Liu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, accepted the disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Committee

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中国工商银行原党委委员ã€纪委书记刘立宪接å—中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查 æ¥æº:中央纪委国家监委网站 å‘布时间: 2023-09-15 17:00 分享   中央纪委国家监委网站讯 中国工商银行原党委委员ã€纪委书记刘立宪涉嫌严é‡è¿纪è¿法,主动投案,目å‰正接å—中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查。

Continue ReadingLiu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, accepted the disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Committee

Fan Jinglin, former vice chairman of the Wuwei Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference in Gansu Province, was expelled from the party

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甘肃çœæ­¦å¨市政å原副主席范景林被开除党ç± æ¥æº:中央纪委国家监委网站 å‘布时间: 2023-09-15 17:00 分享   中央纪委国家监委网站讯 æ®ç”˜è‚ƒçœ纪委监委消æ¯ï¼šæ—¥å‰,ç»甘肃çœ委批准,甘肃çœ纪委监委指定定西市纪委监委对武å¨市政å原副主席范景林严é‡è¿纪è¿法问题进行了立案审查调查。  ç»查,范景林身为党员领导干部,党性原则缺失,纪法æ„识淡薄,罔顾中央八项规定精神,长期接å—他人宴请;è¿å工作纪律,è¿规决策项目实施;放弃èŒå®ˆï¼ŒæŒªç”¨å…¬æ¬¾å½’他人使用,造æˆ国有资产巨é¢æŸå¤±ï¼›åˆ©ç”¨èŒåŠ¡ä¾¿åˆ©ï¼Œä¸ºä»–人谋å–利益并éžæ³•æ”¶å—财物。虽然在留置期间能够主动供述收å—他人贿赂的犯罪事实,但其行为严é‡æŸå®³å…šå‘˜é¢†å¯¼å¹²éƒ¨å½¢è±¡ï¼Œæž„æˆè¿纪è¿法并涉嫌挪用公款和å—贿犯罪,情节严é‡,应予严肃处ç†ã€‚ä¾æ®ã€Šä¸­å›½å…±äº§å…šçºªå¾‹å¤„分æ¡ä¾‹ã€‹ã€Šä¸­åŽäººæ°‘共和国监察法》《中åŽäººæ°‘共和国公èŒäººå‘˜æ”¿åŠ¡å¤„分法》等有关规定,ç»甘肃çœ纪委常委会会议研究并报甘肃çœ委批准,决定给予范景林开除党ç±处分;按规定å–消其享å—çš„å¾…é‡ï¼›å°†å…¶æ¶‰å«ŒçŠ¯ç½ªé—®é¢˜ç§»é€å¸æ³•æœºå…³ä¾法处ç†ï¼Œæ‰€æ¶‰è´¢ç‰©ä¸€å¹¶ç§»é€。  (甘肃çœ纪委监委)

Continue ReadingFan Jinglin, former vice chairman of the Wuwei Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference in Gansu Province, was expelled from the party