CADE condemns cartel that rigged tenders for fuel supply in Paraná

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O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) condenou, nesta quarta-feira (27/09), as empresas Centro Automotivo Delta (Grupo Stang) e Comércio de Combustíveis Toscan – Matriz, além de duas pessoas físicas, por formação de cartel que atuou no mercado de venda de combustíveis para a prefeitura da cidade de Francisco Beltrão, no Paraná. A Superintendência-Geral do

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Chen Junhui, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Guangfa Bank Urumqi Branch, is subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation

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广发银行乌鲁木齐分行党委书记、行长陈峻晖接受纪律审查和监察调查 来源:中央纪委国家监委网站 发布时间: 2023-09-27 11:00 分享   中央纪委国家监委网站讯  据中央纪委国家监委驻中国人寿纪检监察组、辽宁省纪委监委消息:广发银行乌鲁木齐分行党委书记、行长陈峻晖涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委驻中国人寿纪检监察组纪律审查和辽宁省抚顺市监委监察调查。    (中央纪委国家监委驻中国人寿纪检监察组、辽宁省纪委监委)

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He Weiliang, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Mayor of the Heyuan Municipal Government of Guangdong Province, was expelled from the Party and public office

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广东省河源市政府原党组成员、副市长何伟良被开除党籍和公职 来源:中央纪委国家监委网站 发布时间: 2023-09-27 08:30 分享   中央纪委国家监委网站讯 据广东省纪委监委消息:日前,经广东省委批准,广东省纪委监委对广东省河源市政府原党组成员、副市长何伟良严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查。   经查,何伟良丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,对党不忠诚不老实,对抗组织审查;无视中央八项规定精神,大肆收受礼金;违反组织原则,不按规定报告个人有关事项,利用职权在干部岗位调整方面为他人谋利;生活腐化;甘于被“围猎”,与不法企业主沆瀣一气,大搞权钱交易,利用职务上的便利为他人在工程承揽、项目推进等方面谋利,并非法收受巨额财物。   何伟良严重违反党的政治纪律、组织纪律、廉洁纪律,构成严重职务违法并涉嫌受贿犯罪,且在党的十八大后不收敛、不收手,性质严重,影响恶劣,应予严肃处理。依据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》《中华人民共和国监察法》《中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法》等有关规定,经广东省纪委常委会会议研究并报广东省委批准,决定给予何伟良开除党籍处分;由广东省监委给予其开除公职处分;收缴其违纪违法所得;将其涉嫌犯罪问题移送检察机关依法审查起诉,所涉财物一并移送。  何伟良简历   何伟良,男,汉族,1968年4月出生,广东东源人,在职大学学历,1991年9月参加工作,1989年12月加入中国共产党。   历任河源市源城区委书记,河源市政府党组成员、副市长,河源市政府副厅级干部。  (广东省纪委监委)

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The Dufresne Group to pay $3.25 million penalty to settle Competition Bureau concerns over marketing claims

A Competition Bureau investigation concluded that The Dufresne Group Inc. (TDG) and its affiliates, better known for their retail brands Dufresne Furniture and Appliances and certain Ashley HomeStores, offered certain products at inflated regular prices and then advertised them at big discounts, suggesting significant savings to consumers. September 27, 2023 – GATINEAU, QC – Competition

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EPA and Justice Department File Complaint Alleging Environmental Violations by eBay

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EPA and Justice Department File Complaint Alleging Environmental Violations by eBay Lawsuit Alleges that eBay Unlawfully Sold Pesticides, Banned Chemical Products and Devices that Defeat Pollution Controls on Motor Vehicles September 27, 2023 Contact Information EPA Press Office ( WASHINGTON - Today, in federal court in Brooklyn, the U.S. Department of Justice, on behalf of EPA

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