CGU and PF combat irregularities in the Health Department of Cuiabá (MT)

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A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) participa, nesta quarta-feira (04/10), da Operação Iterum. O trabalho é realizado em parceria com a Polícia Federal (PF) e com apoio do Ministério Público Federal (MPF). O objetivo é dar prosseguimento às investigações de um esquema criminoso de superfaturamento de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação, ocorridos entre 2017 e 2022

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CADE will analyze the sale of 60% of the Atakarejo retail chain

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O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) analisará a venda de 60% da rede varejista Atakarejo para a Private Equity Holding VII – Omega. O edital que dá publicidade ao ato de concentração foi divulgado no Diário Oficial da União (DOU) desta quarta-feira (04/10). A Omega é uma holding não operacional sob controle do Pátria Private Equity VII

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US Department of Labor sues Chicago security company, owner after investigation finds employer misclassified guards, violated wage laws

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CHICAGO – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit against a Chicago security company, American Public Defense Inc. and its owner and president Lewis Brown, to recover $473,212 in back wages and damages after its investigation found the employer misclassified guards as independent contractors and illegally deducted fines from workers’ pay for taking breaks

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The Autorité de la concurrence rejects Mediapro’s complaint due to lack of priority

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Since Ordinance 2021-649 of 26 May 2021, which transposes a 2019 European Directive (“ECN+ Directive”) into French law, the Autorité may, pursuant to the second paragraph of Article L. 462-8 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), "reject the complaint by reasoned decision [...] for complaints received pursuant to II and IV of Article

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FCA bans Simon Hughes for failures in advice given to British Steel Pension Scheme Members

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The FCA has banned Simon Hughes of S&M Hughes Limited (in liquidation) from advising customers on pension transfers and pension opt outs, and from holding any senior management function in a regulated firm. Mr Hughes will also pay £158,600 to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) to contribute to redress due to his customers, most

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