Assessment of ASX Clearing and Settlement Facilities – October 2023

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The Reserve Bank of Australia today released the 2023 Assessment of the ASX Clearing and Settlement Facilities. This assesses the performance of the ASX CS Facilities against the Bank’s Financial Stability Standards (FSS). The ASX CS facilities were rated as having “observed” or “broadly observed” most of the FSS. The Bank recognises there has been

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Monetary Policy Report (IPOM), October 2023

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� En Argentina la actividad econ�mica se contrajo en el segundo trimestre del a�o, como consecuencia de la severa sequ�a que afect� principalmente la cosecha gruesa. Por su parte, el nivel de actividad del conjunto de los sectores no agropecuarios se mantuvo estable respecto al primer trimestre y el empleo formal en los sectores no

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Monthly Monetary Report, September 2023

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Este informe analiza la evoluci�n de la base monetaria, agregados monetarios amplios y tasas de inter�s pasivas, pr�stamos al sector privado y tasas de inter�s activas, liquidez bancaria, reservas internacionales y mercado de divisas, indicadores monetarios y financieros., Descargar Informe, Acceder a todas las ediciones,Viernes 6 de octubre de 2023 ,Por consultas, escribir a

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ESMA provides analysis on issuers’ potential benefits from an ESG pricing effect

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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets and securities regulator, today publishes an article on the European sustainable debt market, analysing the existence of an ESG pricing effect (‘the Greenium’) across different types of sustainable-labelled debt instruments.   In the article, ESMA notes that it cannot confirm a systematic pricing benefit

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MTE updates the Register of Employers who subjected workers to conditions similar to slavery

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O Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, por meio da Secretária de Inspeção do Trabalho, publicou, nesta quinta-feira (5), a atualização do Cadastro de Empregadores que tenham submetido trabalhadores a condições análogas à escravidão. O documento é conhecido como “Lista Suja”.  Nesta atualização foram incluídos no cadastro 204 empregadores, a maior inclusão de já realizada na

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