One in five Europeans say work plays an important role to achieve good mental health

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Search Search ,The European Commission published a new flash Eurobarometer to get an in-depth look at the view of EU citizens on mental health. The survey, conducted in all 27 member states amongst citizens 15 years and older, offers details on the current state of mental health, contributing factors for a good mental health, perceptions

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Digital: new measures for connected and sustainable territories

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13/10/2023 Lors de l’Université du Très Haut Débit à Bourges, les 12 et 13 octobre, Valérie Nouvel, vice-présidente Transition et Adaptation au changement climatique du département de la Manche, a remis   son rapport sur le développement des usages numériques. Présentation des conclusions. ©Julien Eichinger - stock.adobe.comEn mars 2023, le Gouvernement a confié à Valérie Nouvel

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ECB survey on the use of new technologies for the settlement of financial transactions

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La BCE ha pubblicato sul proprio sito internet un sondaggio rivolto ai partecipanti ai mercati finanziari e agli operatori di piattaforme di mercato DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) con l'obiettivo di valutare l'interesse per esperimenti e prove in merito all'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie per il regolamento in moneta di banca centrale delle transazioni finanziarie. Il sondaggio

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“Addressing the Challenges of Financed Emissions” Announced

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Link to Body MENU font Large font Middle font Small , Japanese Press Releases & Public Relations Press Releases Stewardship Code : 329 institutional investors have signed up to the Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors as of September 30, 2023 (October 13, 2023) “Addressing the Challenges of Financed Emissions” Announced (October 13, 2023) Updated list of issuers

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