#StopRansomware: AvosLocker Ransomware (Update)

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SUMMARY Note: This joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) is part of an ongoing #StopRansomware effort to publish advisories for network defenders that detail various ransomware variants and ransomware threat actors. These #StopRansomware advisories include recently and historically observed tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs) to help organizations protect against ransomware. Visit stopransomware.gov

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Exploring the Evolution and Linguistics of Economic Language in Italy: A Study by Paolo Baffi Library’s Eighth Volume

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L'ottavo volume della Collana Collezioni e studi della Biblioteca Paolo Baffi, pubblicato oggi, è dedicato alla lingua dell'economia in Italia. Il lavoro offre un quadro di insieme della lingua dell'economia ricorrendo a un'ampia selezione di contributi e studi, compresi quelli inerenti agli aspetti linguistici delle Relazioni annuali e soprattutto delle Considerazioni finali del Governatore. La

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Solving IP disputes through ADR and mediation

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Alicante NewsOur newsletter provides information on all aspects of trade mark and design law and administration. Alicante News also contains news and debate on wider issues of intellectual property development in your area and worldwide. Our trade mark and design sections have monthly articles on current EUIPO practice. Our case-law section provides a monthly run-down

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The second volume of “Practical Guidelines for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the New Era” is published

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《新时代纪检监察工作实务指南丛书》第二辑出版 来源:中央纪委国家监委网站 发布时间: 2023-10-10 06:30 分享   近日,《新时代纪检监察工作实务指南丛书》第二辑由中国方正出版社出版。  为贯彻落实二十届中央纪委二次全会关于锻造堪当新时代新征程重任的高素质纪检监察干部队伍的要求,助力纪检监察工作高质量发展,满足广大纪检监察干部学习新需要,强化能力建设,增强斗争本领,在丛书第一辑受到一致欢迎和好评的基础上,中国方正出版社约请中央纪委国家监委机关有关部门和同志,精心编撰了这套丛书的第二辑。  丛书紧扣当前工作实际,每册围绕一个主题、一项工作,结合具体做法、案例,讲解阐释纪检监察工作的基本流程、重点问题和实践经验等,条理清楚、重点突出、例证翔实,具有较强的指导性、针对性和可操作性。丛书第二辑共9册,包括《如何做好日常监督》《如何做好派驻监督》《如何做好审查调查组织协作》《如何做好审查调查综合工作》《如何做好谈话突破》《如何做好证据审核》《如何做好涉案财物工作》《如何撰写审理文书》《如何做好查办案件“后半篇文章”》。丛书在纪检监察系统内部发行,是业务学习、全员培训的重要学习读本。  此前,中国方正出版社于2021年5月推出了丛书第一辑共9册,包括《如何做好初核》《如何做好谈话》《如何做好笔录》《如何做好外查》《如何做好搜查》《如何做好证据收集与审查》《如何做好案件审理》《如何撰写审查调查公文》《如何贯彻〈规则〉〈规定〉》。丛书的第一辑和第二辑互为补充,同样易学实用,必将成为纪检监察干部的业务好帮手。  联系我们:010-66560933/59592471

Continue ReadingThe second volume of “Practical Guidelines for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the New Era” is published